~Part 1~

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Stan considered himself quiet lucky. Sure, it wasn't like he won the jackpot but he had earned some side cash. (Theoretically speaking). He was talking about his number, of course.

It wasn't high it wasn't low, he was treated exactly how everyone treated five's. His mother was a seven and his father a two. So it only made sense that he came out the way he did.
There was never anything special to note about Stan, other then his painfully boring and seemingly perfect life; which brings us to now, today just so happened to be another one of those 'painfully boring' days.

Stan woke up at 7:00 o'clock, brushed his teeth combed his hair, (despite putting a hat on it right afterwards) and headed down stares to go have breakfast. His 'painfully boring' mother was making pancakes while his father read a 'painfully boring' newspaper.

"Good morning Stanley." Stan's mother called out soon shifting her gaze to the girl behind him, "Oh good morning Shelly." The two siblings both didn't reply but instead grumpily sat down at the table.

They were aloud to be grumpy, it was the first day of school. Anyone would be unhappy about that. "The bus is gonna' be here soon so once you finish eating hurry and rush outside!" Sharron said passing the plates to everyone, and then the silverware. Stan still opted to stay silent thinking about how his first day of Freshman year would be.

He was so too young. Or at least... that's what it felt like. Shelly was going into her Junior year so the change was less obnoxious for her. He still didn't want to go.

As soon as the fourth bite of pancake was about to reach his lips Stan caught a glimpse of the bright and slightly dirty bus pass his house. He watched, wide eyed as it made its way passed their street and to the stop sign at the end of the block.  "Mom! The bus just passed our house!" Shelly yelled as if she had read Stan's mind.

The two quickly grabbed they're bags, spontaneously zipping up the coats and ran out the door.
They had just barely made it. Walking up into the bus felt like walking into an oven, it might have been snowing outside but the bus driver didn't need to melt them.

Shelly took off her coat and tied it around her waist revealing a number 9 on her wrist. She was more fortunate as their parent's number's had been added in her case. Stan always got a little jealous when he saw it, but the jealously soon washed away as his friend Kenny pulled him next to him in a seat.

"Hey dude! I actually caught the bus today." The boy said with a giggle. Kenny had a three. Usually people would become deeply depressed about this but it didn't bother him too much. Thankfully Kenny was a chill guy so he didn't care about what people thought.

A couple stops later and they're at South Park High. Now the butterflies were really kicking in. Stan felt like he would vomit but he bit his tongue knowing he didn't want to make a fool of himself on the first day.

The two waved at they're old friends while everyone walked to the main gate. South Park was a small town so new students didn't show up very often and everyone pretty much knew each other. Once in the gate they were greeted with lockers and a price of paper telling which locker you were.

"What you got?" Stan said trying to get a look at Kenny's little slip.

"362. You?"

"Ugh 244." The two sighed.

"What's up fags?" And suddenly there was weight on Kenny and Stan's shoulders.

"Cartman." They said in unison.

"I had hoped you would get hit by the bus but alas you live to see another day." Stan said dramatically, leaning on Kenny for effect.

"Oh shut up. I came to tell you I got the coolest number around! Guess what it is."

"420?", Kenny said.

"I wish, I got 360 though so I'll gladly take it." Stan started laughing, this meant Kenny was basically going to have a locker next to Cartman's. "Aye what's so funny hippy." Kenny brought his number on the paper to Cartman's face while also face palming. "Heeey sweet! Let's go."

Kenny and Cartman swiftly and quickly turned around leaving Stan "See ya' Stan!" Kenny shouted waving, as they made their way down the hall. Stan just looked down at the piece of paper and went the opposite way to start looking for his locker.

The halls were crowded. People were running, talking, scouring to find the lockers. It was a mad house. "Where's my stupid locker!" Stan mumbled to himself, becoming annoyed that he wasn't even in the 200's section. He was still looking down at the paper when he collided with someone, almost making him loose his balance.

Everyone froze.

It wasn't that big of a deal, right? Why did everyone freeze in place. Why was no one talking? Why did they all go to help whoever Stan bumped into? "Oh sorry..." Stan said out of confusion and embarrassment, looking around at all the eyes. The person on the other hand, had fallen and their books were spread in an array across the floor.

"I- It's ok", the smaller boy said as he brought his hand to up to his face, and tucked a lock of curly hair behind his ear. He was on his butt looking up at Stan and suddenly he [Stan] understood why everyone made a fuss.

This small, (and slightly cute) boy had a 10 plastered on his wrist.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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