Chapter One

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"Liliana, can you come downstairs please?"

The sound of my mother's voice woke me out of my daydreaming, and I jumped off the bed wondering what she was calling me for. I rounded the kitchen corner and was met with the stoic faces of High Warrior Jax and High Warrior Rohan. Unsure of what had bought them here, I bowed my head out of respect and sat myself at the table with my parents.

"Hello Liliana, Rohan and I have been travelling the world to find every pack's finest warrior and train them to become a High Warrior for the Lucurim Royal Guard. After discussion with your Alpha and Luna I was directed to you. If this is something you would be interested in then we are more than happy to offer you a position in training at our academy. The training would take five years before you are fully inducted into becoming a High Warrior and plenty of physical and mental exercises, which will not all be done in your wolf form." Jax looked at Rohan before continuing, "I understand this is a lot of information and if you need time to think it over, we leave tomorrow morning."

I took a deep breath, "I do not need time to think High Warrior Jax. I accept your offer. I have wanted to be a warrior since I was a little girl, so thank you for giving me the opportunity."

He nodded his head with a grin on his face, but it disappeared quickly. "Training begins 5am sharp tomorrow at the castle training grounds, don't be late." We all bowed our heads one more time as they made their way out the front door again my dad leading them as if he had just won the lottery.

My mother squealed as soon as the door closed behind them.

"Come on mum, as if they didn't hear that," I groaned at her.

"But Lil this is so exciting, you've been training for years to be a part of the Lucurim Royal Guard." She was right. Ever since I had gotten my wolf at fourteen, younger then all the other wolves. I had started training with the pack's fighters and felt this intense need to work harder, be stronger and smarter. I had decided my rank the moment I watched my first warrior scuffle at the age of seven. The need had not gone away since.

As the lycan in me grew, so did my skills. I had never needed any help with my training. Everything I did came extremely naturally to me. I was a brilliant tracker, hunter, fighter, and healer. My parents had told me I had a wide variety of skills, and I could choose from any position. The end goal had always been High Warrior though.

"I should probably head out and do some extra training then," I called out to my parents, already walking out the back door towards the forest which contained one of our packs few training yards. "Alright but mind link your brother to come and train with you. God knows he needs it." I laughed at the statement and instantly sent a telepathic message to my brother to meet me at the training ground out the back of our house and to bring some fighting game with him.

I heard some grumbles through the link before I shut him off with a laugh and undressed before shifting into my wolf and taking off into the forest. It was nice to let her free.

I let her have complete control for a while as we raced past trees that become blurs, jumped over large streams, and weaved our way through the forest. When I came to a stop the panting of my wolf signalled that we needed a drink and a little break. I shifted back and took the backpack that I had been carrying off my shoulder and guzzled down some water while I waited for my brother and his friends.

I was having a weird sense of DeJa'Vu when my brother popped out of the trees with his friends. I could hear them stomping through the bush from a mile away, they certainly were not trying to keep their presence quiet.

"Hey sis," he said coming up to me and giving me a big squeeze. I hugged him back and then looked at his friends with a smirk, "Ready to get your asses kicked."

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