Chapter 4

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A/N oooohhhh spooky scary words. It's actually a story that isnt in insta format oooooo... lol

TW: Abuse and harsh language

Felix's POV

Felix smiled softly as he passed through the gate of Jaeyong's house. He knocked softly on the front door which was answered by none other than Jaeyong, dressed in his ruffled white dress shirt and black skinny jeans. Felix, although dressed in a simple blue dress shirt and a similar pair of black skinny jeans, lacked the same confidence Jaeyong had in his stance, setting the two apart.

"Hi, Jae." Felix smiled sweetly at Jaeyong and reached up on his tip toes to give Jaeyong a kiss. When Jaeyong pulled away, a salty look on his face, Felix dropped down from his tip toes and gave Jaeyong a confused look."Did I do something wrong?"

Jaeyong sighed and pulled Felix into his house, a frown evident on his face. Felix quietly shut the door behind him as Jae began to speak. "You're so stupid sometimes..." He hissed at Felix.

Felix was hurt by Jaeyong's words, but ignored it as he usually did. These hurtful words Jaeyong had been spewing out at Felix had only just started a week ago, but he excused Jae of his wrongs as a way of releasing Jae's anger at his father out on Felix. "What do you mean, Jae? What did I do wrong? Let me know so I can fix it and so I don't do it again." He pleaded softly.

Jaeyong turned harshly towards Felix. "Are you really that dumb that you can't figure it out on your own?" Jae scoffed. "Think Yongbok." He harshly poked Felix's forehead with a single finger. "What did I tell you not to do at the beginning of our relationship?"

Felix flinched slightly away from Jae, he wasnt used to the harsh gestures Jae was making and the slight violence from him surprised Felix. "Y-you told me n-not to speak of your p-parents and to not a-ask to see them... You also requested that there was no PDA between us except for in the confines of yours or my house...."

Jae nodded as Felix finished up, visibly irritated at the stuttering coming from Felix. "First off, cut the stuttering, it's annoying. Second off, you forgot something you dumbass." He growled, stepping closer to Felix. "I told you to never tell me something or comment on my instagram posts, did I not, Yongbok?"

Felix flinched, hating the use of his Korean name his father had given him. He lowered his head, guilt spreading through Felix's body. "I-Im sorry Jae... but that rule really doesnt make sense to me... why can't I?"

Jae growled lowly at Felix, swinging his hand out and hitting him harshly against the cheek. Felix's head snapped to the right, his eyes widening. Suddenly Jaeyong gasped gently grabbing for Felix's face. "Baby... baby. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. Im sorry." Jae whispered softly.

Felix felt tears rushing down his face but smiled never the less. "It's okay Jae." He gently held Jaeyong's hand. "It's ok, you must've had a difficult meeting with your father today, didnt you?"

Jae nodded and continued to plead for Felix's forgiveness. Felix, being the gullible person he is, smiled and nodded at Jae. "It's okay. I forgive you."

Jae smiled and stood up. "How about I make dinner for us as an apology gift yeah?" He whispered.

Felix smiled and nodded his head, cheek still stinging but willing to forgive Jae for his wrongs once again. "Yeah that sounds great."

Jae smiled and leaned down, capturing Felix's lips in a gentle kiss. "I love you, you know that right?"

Felix blushed and smiled. "I live you too."

With that, Felix and Jaeyong spent the rest of their night together. This night was the first of many regretful nights. Ones that have left Felix scarred emotionally, mentally, and physically.


I'd like to inform everyone reading this that although I did write about this, the character face claim for Jaeyong is not actually like this. ◇K as far as I know is a pretty cool dude and would not actually treat another person like this. So it's okay for you guys to bash on Jaeyong for this, but please. Please. Please. Puhlease! Do not base on ◇K for this! He does not include these characteristics!

Also! I'd like to put in a warning! I DO NOT condone actions similar to Felix or Jaeyong in this chapter. Both people handled the abuse wrongly and should not be used as an example for such things. If you are in Felix's position, please, get yourself out of there quickly, do what you can. Make sure to look for red flags that are signs of the abuse. I know it's hard when you have parents like that, believe me, I know what it's like, but you can do it, you'll get through it. As for those of you in Jaeyong's position, try a therapist. They actually help. And just because you have a therapist does not mean something is wrong with you. Having a therapist means you have been strong and to get to the goal line, you're willing to take that extra help that all the people who have fallen behind refused to accept as an extension for themselves. Please. Whatever position you are in, get some help. Getting help doesn't mean you're weak, it means that you are strong and ready to fight back.

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