Is a Muslim a killer?

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how are you?
I hope you are well and in good health
Today our conversation will be as it is imposed on peace, love and tolerance between religions
This article is about the West accusing the Arabs of the murderers and the Arabs accusing the West of the murderers

First we talk about ISIS or the terrorist organization, as I prefer to call it
All non-Muslims accuse Muslims of murderers, of being terrorists, extremists, criminals, and the truth is the opposite
Do you really want to know Islam? Talk to a Muslim that you don't talk about or hear about
A question for you
Do you think that someone who says peace be upon you as an official greeting has a killer?

Let's talk about Muhammad, the great man. Do you know what he said?

A Muslim does not harm others with his tongue, and his hand is a Muslim who is not a Muslim
Here we conclude that ISIS are not Muslims, but terrorism that has no religion
God Almighty in the Noble Qur’an said that whoever kills a person is as if he killed all people and whoever revives a soul as if he revived all people
The punishment of the murderer is death, and if he is not executed, he will be punished in Hell

Do people encourage their religion peace killers?

Let's go to the story of Muhammad, the Messenger of Peace and Islam
When the Quraish people expelled him, tortured him, and tortured Muslims
When he returned to his country after a long time, the people of Quraysh feared to punish them, but he forgave them and said: Go, you are free, I will not harm you

Are these killers of people who call their Prophet for peace and love?
Their Messenger calls for peace before Islam Are they murderers?

Now we talk about the West
Colonialism, racial discrimination, killing and torture of Muslims, world wars, interference in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, Egypt, and, and and
Would you like it if we say killers about you?

There is a misunderstanding that we have to resolve

peace and love

PEACE ❤LOVE حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن