28. Unraveled secrets

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Elizabeth's POV

I open my eyes, feeling dazed and heavy. But the intensity of the light rays hitting my eyes causes me to hiss, squeezing them shut to dull the sting.

It takes me a while, but my eyes adjust to the brightness of the room. Also the fog in my brain comes down and I feel much less dazed.

I try to move but my entire body is restrained. And not your usual bound to a chair and gaged kind of tied up.

I'm strapped into a bloody stray jacket and seated in a fucking geri chair, my ankles strapped to its legs. Who are these guys? I think while looking around. Because they sure as hell are not the cartel.

There's a man in the corner. Tied down too but not like me. A sack over his head. He seems unconscious. I'm about to call out to him when the speaker comes on. A disturbingly familiar voice reaching my ears.

"Hello Red. I see your finally up."

"Why am I strapped up like a fucking mental patient you freak." I yell back, even if I can't see his face.

"Oh. It was merely for precaution. I know better than to underestimate you." He answers coldly.

"Well I'm flattered" I say, a sarcastic smile on face.

"So, to what do I owe this honor? I mean.

If you missed me so much you came all the way down here, you could have just knocked on the front door and said Hi.

There was really no need to showcase your psycho tendencies."

I add, getting under his skin.

"You know why your here Red!" He growls, and I can already imagine the scowl on his face.

There's some shuffling sounds on the speaker, followed by a few minutes of silence. I curse myself under my breath. Can't believe I didn't see this coming.

He enters the room from a door I didn't notice before.

"Hey Jeremy!!" I greet with fake enthusiasm.

"I would give you a hug, but I'm a bit tied up." I finish with a smirk, chuckling at my one words. What? It's a great pun.

Jeremy doesn't look amused though. He's usual deadpan expression on his face as he asks.

"Where is it?"

"Where's what?" I reply. Feigning confusion at his question.

"You seem confused. Let me help remedy that" he says, walking up to the unconscious guy in the corner.

He takes the sack off his head, and pulls his head upright by his hair. Giving me a good look at his face. It takes all my self control not to flinch at who it is.

Remember when I said I collected on favours and pulled some strings with the goal of bringing Jeremy down?

Well this guy owed me a favour.

Zack Ryder. He is one of the top computer programmers and hackers in the agency. He even built our database, making it almost impenetrable.

He lost his unit on a mission that went south really quickly.

When he realized that there was no way he was getting out of his fate of merciless murder alone, he sent an SOS out me and I got him out.

"Where is it?!!" Jeremy yells. Grabbing back my attention. There was no use of denying it now.

"Well why so salty Jeremy?" I ask smugly.

"All I did was take a page out of your own book. What was it you said? Gather dirt on the cartel and trade it for the clients freedom."

"I want out Jeremy." I say a seriously. All traces of jest now gone from my profile.

"Well fine. I'll just kill you. Then you'll be free" he answers, taking out his gun and pointing it at my forehead.

In a state if panic I decide to bluff.

"Oh don't be stupid. If you kill me the information gets out.

Your not going to risk your life and entire empire for the satisfaction of painting these walls with my brain " I say confidently.

"Well you make me think its worth it. Besides, the government and law enforcement are on my side" He replies. Pressing the gun harder into my head. I resist the urge to hiss in pain.

"Oh I don't mean to those corrupt pot bellied fuckers, sitting behind desks. I mean the other agencies you have sabotaged over the years. I'm sure proof of your treachery and information on your personal life and that of this agency would cause a lot if damage." I finish,knowing I won.

He drops the gun and moves away, heading towards the door. He pauses with his hand on the handle and looks at me from over his shoulder.

"You should know by now that I always get my way Red. And this is no exception."

He leaves. Closing the door behind him.

I blow out a breath when he leaves.

I hear groaning and I turn to look at Zack.

"Hey Red." He says trying to grin. But it appears more like a grimace.

"Hey Zack. They got you too huh" I answer, an apologetic smile on my face. I did this to him.

"Don't do that. You added a few extra years to my life when you saved me. Don't feel like its your fault." He says sounding weak but stern.

I just nod. We both know he would die today. There was nothing either of us could do about it. So I let him be.

The door slammed shut and I turned to see who it was.

"Hello princess. I came to even out our score board from earlier" he Says a huge grin on his face.

"Oh fuck my life."


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