16 Years Ago/Innocence Lost

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A/N: Thank you for taking the time to read my book. I appreciate each and every last one of my readers. Without you I would have never gotten this far. This is the published version which can be found on Amazon, B & N, Kobo, and iBooks so if you just love it to pieces feel free to pick up a print copy! Happy reading!

  Robinette was on the dance floor when she first saw him. He was leaning against the bar checking out the crowd. When his eyes met hers, she felt an immediate connection; it was as if he was a magnet, and she was the metal being drawn to him.

She watched as he sauntered over in her direction, never taking his eyes off of hers. As if the universe was pushing them together, the techno music suddenly changed to a slow R& B song. His intoxicating cologne engulfed Robinette as he towered over her. When she looked into his eyes, she was speechless. They were a hypnotizing hazel color with a speck of gold in the middle.

Without saying a word he pulled her close to him, placed one hand on her lower back and led her in a slow dance. She had never been this close to a man before; especially one that looked like he walked a catwalk for a living. Robinette prayed her sweaty palms and racing heart didn't give away how nervous she was. She wanted to say something, but she didn't want to ruin the moment, so they danced in silence.

When the song ended, he flashed a smile at her and led her to the bar. Her stomach instantly somersaulted, due to a combination of the effect he was having on her and not being old enough to drink.

There was no way Robinette was going to embarrass herself and tell him she was underage. She just hoped her older cousin Elizabeth, who she had come with didn't bust her out.

It had been Elizabeth's idea, for them to go to a night club tonight in celebration of Robinette's eighteenth birthday. Robinette was game. She had never been to a night club before, but Elizabeth was always talking about how much fun she and her friends had. Robinette had been ecstatic, but doubtful, being that her birthday wasn't until tomorrow.

Little did she know, the bouncer at the front door had a soft spot for Elizabeth, and let Robinette with no problem. The only thing Elizabeth had asked from Robinette was not to drink and Robinette had agreed, without hesitation. Now it looked like that agreement was about to be broken.

"What can I get you?" the bartender asked her mystery man.

Over the loud music, Robinette couldn't make out what Mr. Mysterious said, but she watched as two shot glasses were filled to the brim with a clear liquid. He handed her one. She couldn't ignore the tingle that shot through her body when her hand brushed his. He leaned down close to her ear and said in a deep, sultry voice; "to new friendships."

"To new friendships," echoed Robinette swallowing nervously. She threw back the liquor like she had seen people do in movies. It took everything in her not to throw it back up. Her throat was on fire.

Through the tears that sprang to her eyes, she could see the bartender placing another set of drinks on the bar. There was no way she was going to drink another one of those horrid drinks, but when she looked into Mr. Mysterious beautiful eyes, against her better judgement, somehow she had three more.

Afterwards he led her back on the dance floor and this time Robinette felt different. She felt alive and free. Now she understood why Elizabeth got wasted every weekend. She danced until she soon began to feel dizzy and nauseous.

"I have to go to the ladies room! I'll be right back!" she yelled over the music to her dance partner.

He smiled and nodded. On the way to the bathroom she bumped into Elizabeth on the dance floor, dancing like her life depended on it. When Elizabeth saw it was Robinette who had bumped her, she lit up.

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