Season 7 Episode 9 - Can't Lose You

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Kim is in her bedroom putting on her converse shoes when Chrissy walks in and says "Hey" Kim and Chrissy look to each other

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Kim is in her bedroom putting on her converse shoes when Chrissy walks in and says "Hey" Kim and Chrissy look to each other. Kim stands up and Chrissy says "Lilly told me that you wanted to talk to Geoff" Kim nods and says "Yeah that's right but it's not what you think. I ended it with him, it's over between us Lilly was right I didn't love him, I married him from fear not love. When I was with him I was scared, I didn't feel safe but when I'm with you I feel safe and protected like nothing and nobody can hurt me" and Chrissy smiles. Kim says "I'm sorry if I hurt you, when I broke up with you but if you'll give me a second chance I'd like to try again" Chrissy says "I like you Kim, I really like you I always have since I first saw you but if I'm just some rebound then I cant" and Kim approaches Chrissy and she places her hands on his chest and says "No, you aren't a rebound. I want to be with you Chrissy" and Chrissy smiles and says "Yeah let's do it, we can be together properly" Kim nods and says "We dont have to sneak around" and Chrissy nods and he kisses Kim.

Lilly is looking down at Ethan who is asleep and Negan walks in the room and says "Can I have a minute?" Lilly looks at Negan and nods "I guess so"

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Lilly is looking down at Ethan who is asleep and Negan walks in the room and says "Can I have a minute?" Lilly looks at Negan and nods "I guess so". Negan nods and he closes the bedroom door and he sits on the sofa and says "I'm sorry my reaction was a dick move" Lilly deeply sighs and she sits across from Negan and says "I know you're probably angry but I didn't plan this pregnancy, I didnt plan any of them but I wouldnt change my children for the world. I love My Family, you, Chrissy and Troy and Jason and Ethan and if you're disappointed in me I understand" Negan softly looks at Lilly and says "Ever since you have been a little I've always tried to protect you, I've always tried to do what's right by you. At Ethan's birth and you almost died, my mind was doing overtime I cant lose you Lills. Yesterday when you told me you were pregnant that fear kicked in, what if you die during the birth" and Lilly nods and says "I love you Dad, you're the strongest, smartest and bravest man I've ever met. You've always looked out for me and I appreciate that and when Brad died you helped look out for Jason, and when Kenneth died you helped me with Meghan and for that I'm grateful, but Im not a little girl anymore" and Negan nods and says "You're right, you're a grown woman now, but you will always be My know at times I look at you and I still see that beautiful little girl with pigtails running around causing chaos but you're a Mother now, a great Mother at that and this new baby I'm happy for you, I'm gonna be a Grampa again. Can you forgive me for being a Prick?" Lilly smiles and says "Of course I forgive you Daddy" Negan grins.

Geoff's cell door opens and Lilly is standing and Arat and Laura and Mitzee are standing behind their leader

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Geoff's cell door opens and Lilly is standing and Arat and Laura and Mitzee are standing behind their leader. Lilly says "Times up Geoff" and Lilly holds out her arm and Arat takes out a large hunting knife and puts it in Lilly's hand. Geoff says "I'm not gonna beg for my life" Lilly steps closer to Geoff and says "I wouldnt expect you to, because let's face it that would make you weak. Not that you weren't weak before cause we all know the truth you Geoff Wicks are nothing but a Weak, pathetic mess of a man. Any last words?" Geoff glares at Lilly and says "Screw you" and Lilly purses her lips and she says "Very well" and she slashes Geoff's throat and blood squirts out of his slashed neck and Geoff clutches at his neck and he falls to his knees and Lilly grabs a fistful of his hair and says as she clenches her teeth ''and this, this is for Kim'' and she stabs Geoff's chest repeatedly after she stabbed him six times and pushes his dead body to the concrete floor and Lilly who is covered in Geoff's blood looks to The 3 Female Saviours and she wipes the blood from her knife and says "What a Asshole. Clean up this mess" and Lilly walks out of the cell and Mitzee asks "What do we do with the body?" Lilly glances to all three of them then her eyes land on Geoff who is laying on his stomach and says "Bring him outside, outside of our walls let the freaks eat him" and they all nod and Lilly walks off. Mitzee looks to Arat and Laura and says "Whew, Lilly doesn't seem the kinda chick to mess with" and Arat says "You're new here, but this was mild" Laura says "Yeah Lilly's done way worse than this over the years" and Mitzee looks taken back.

Lilly walks out of the bathroom and Troy is putting on a shirt and Troy asks "How was your shower?" Lilly says "Uh can't complain" Troy nods and says "You look cleaner" Lilly smirks

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Lilly walks out of the bathroom and Troy is putting on a shirt and Troy asks "How was your shower?" Lilly says "Uh can't complain" Troy nods and says "You look cleaner" Lilly smirks. Troy asks "Is it done? He dead?" Lilly nods "Yeah I killed him, Geoff is gone" and Troy nods and says "Why did you want him dead so much? I mean you could have just kicked him out of the group" Lilly says "He hurt Kim, Kim's my only best friend. Nobody hurts My Family and my friend and gets to live" and Troy smirks and says "You're incredible" and Lilly looks at Troy and she kisses him and her hands reach up to his cheeks and her hands travel down to his body as Troy's hands cup Lilly's cheeks.


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