Chapter 3

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The couple just realized what they said.

"Well, there's no point in hiding it now," Lucy sighed, taking her hood off. They all gasped to see an older version of the blonde they all know and love. Natsu did the same and got the same response.

"We are Natsu and Lucy Dragneel of Fairy Tail, year X815!" Natsu exclaimed.

One thing seamed off about that sentence, especially to a specific young blonde haired mage.

"Lucy Dragneel?" She asked to herself, blushing profusely. She heard from before that they were married, but couldn't believe it.

"Yup," Older Lucy simply answered suddenly right next to her younger self.

Once the shock of the situation went over, the guild started to huddle around the two members to ask questions about their futures.

"Silence, brats!" Gramps called.

The guild got deathly quiet and gave room for Master to wheel through.

"Come to my office. I assume this is what you two brats wanted to speak about?"

"Yes Master," Lucy answered.


Once they were in his office, they sat down on the chairs, while he sat on his desk.

"May I ask how you two got here?"

"Of course, Gramps." Natsu gestured to Lucy.

"We were doing a job. A simple one, but we think that it was a sham to lure us out."

"We would've noticed normally, but we were too excited for our day off. We were walking through the woods. Then, I noticed a scent. It was already suspicious that they were in there in the first place, but at that time, no one should have been out there," Natsu continued.

"We got attacked. We didn't see his face before we were engulfed in a blue light. Obviously a time spell, but it takes immense magic power normally. He should've died with how far we put us back. Even then, he shouldn't have been able to without the Eclipse Gate..." Lucy trailed off.

"I assume you need a way to get to your timeline."

"That is correct," Natsu said surprisingly. He is still the same Natsu, but 22 years of experience takes a toll. He knows when to be serious. Makarov looked at him with wide eyes, never has Natsu used the word 'correct' ever.

"We have a plan to avoid the future being altered and we wanted to discuss it with you," Lucy continued, not acknowledging Natsu's choice of words.

"Then go on with it, Child."

Lucy simply smiled and went to explain her plan.


Meanwhile, downstairs, Younger Lucy is trying to avoid Natsu, both younger and older, at all costs while the guild is silently talking about the two older members. Natsu himself on the other hand, is excited because he really wants to know what it's like in the future. He too was a little shaken to learn that he has gotten with Lucy, his bestfriend and partner.

It was abnormally quiet. It was tense and everyone could tell. They were all waiting to see the three of them walk down those stairs. Actually, two of them walk down the stairs, and one being carried, but that's not the point.

Gray and Erza were sitting at a table silently. Both thinking over the situation. Gray spoke.

"I wonder what happens in the future."

"We all do. It's pretty obvious and you didn't have to speak, you baffoon," Erza spoke calmly, but you could hear the underlying annoyed tone.

"Jeez, I was just stating my opinion," he replied as he rolled his eyes.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" Erza gave him a death glare.

"No ma'am!"

While that conversation was happening, Young Lucy was thinking.

'Me and Natsu? No way! Sure I like him, but he isn't into that kind of thing. I wish it could happen, but that's just impossible!'

Though, there was living evidence in the guild that they would get together, she still denied it. Lucy has always done that when it comes to her relationship with Natsu.

Just then, the two older mages along with the Master walk down the steps and to the stage.

"Listen up, Brats! These two will be staying here until we have an idea to send them back! Levy!"

Levy perked up to the sound of her name. "Y-Yes Master?"

"You, along with Lucy-"

"Which one?" Someone in the guild called out.

"Uh both. Anyway, they'll be looking for information on time magic! If-"

"But time magic is extremely rare and forbidden!" Some other person pointed out.

"Yes, but-"

"What if we never send them back!"

Now everyone was shouting and panicking before someone called out.

"WILL ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!" Older Natsu yelled.

The guild was quiet now. Lucy leaned over to her husband to whisper a quick thank you before stepping forward to speak.

"This may be a difficult task, but I believe we can get this done. We always pull through."

"Because we're Fairy Tail!" Natsu cut in from behind her with his signature closed eyed grin. His hand was in the air and the crowd was cheering loudly. Lucy looked behind her to give him a light smile. He opened his eyes to do the same. Only Lucy got that smile from him.

"Right," Lucy chuckled before getting serious. "If any of you find any information, please find either us or Master."

"Now let's drink!" Cana shouted from on top of a barrel.

Everyone sweatdropped but then shrugged and did just that, drink.

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