3 Intresting facts

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Hey Kass are you okay?" Addison asked before a male voice interrupted us. "Ahem, Addison don't you think you should introduce me to your friend"
I looked at him and noticed how attractive

he was. That was until I noticed it was Bucky,

Addison's annoying older cousin. I can't believe I

thought of him that way.

When we were younger we used to play

together, the three of us, practicing cheer.

Then he turned into a jerk. When Addi and me

started middle school as he was in eighth grade

he would always run around and pull our pigtails

or steal our textbooks or worse homework.

Now what was really bad about him stealing my

homework was when I had no homework to

turn in well... the system of school is no

homework means no credit, and no credit means

bad grades, and bad grades means mad dad

and well you get the picture...

"Bucky you remember Kassie" Addison said

rolling her eyes.

"You mean sassy- Kassie? Kass-kass?

Kassie?" He said recalling all the names he

had used for me.

"It's Kassandra for you," I said harshly to him

telling him my more formal name. He winked

at me as I scoffed walking away. I heard

Addison chuckle following behind me.

I soon ran into a nice looking teen as she

looked at me and smiled.

"Hi I'm Bree" She said holding out her hand.

"Hi I'm Kassie, and this is my best friend

Addison" I said taking her hand.

"Hi," Addison said, shaking her hand as well.

"I can't wait for cheer tryouts, it's been my

dream to be a flyer since I was a little girl."

Bree said with so much enthusiasm.

"Really we're trying out for cheer too!" Addison

said as the bell rang.

"I have math," Addi said.

"Me too," Bree said.

"Uh.. me three" I said looking at my schedule.

"Well then let's go" Addi said as the three of us

skipped off to math.

Addison, Bree, and I sat at table that could sit

four. All of our classmates flooded in, in their

pastel pink and blue clothing. Except for one

this student wore a neon pink and green cheer uniform

as they set down in the seat next to me.

"Hey Kass-kass" His husky voice said.

I mentally slapped myself, I mean come on dude!

I rolled my eyes and turned the other way

ignoring him.

The teacher soon walked in and began telling us

to introduce ourselves to everyone

but you see I think all my classmates know me

from all of us being in school together.

And if they don't, that's kind of sad, where were

they for the last fifteen years.

"Hi I'm Addison, I'm a freshman, and I love

cheer" Addi started us out moving on to Bree. As

I mentally tried to remember two interesting facts

about me. But now that I tried to remember I

literally forgot about who I was.

"Hi Bree, I'm from Marshall, and I want to be a

flyer for the Mighty Shrimps". Bree said as

Bucky snorted.

"Alright Ms. Caleb your turn" she said addressing me.

"Hi I'm Kassadra, my friends call me Kassie,

and... I'm trying out for cheer this year" I said.

Then Bucky stood up doing jazz hands, "Hi I'm

Bucky, I'm cheer captain," He bragged, winking.

Oh, yeah that's right I remember now!

He might just be my death angel.

If he don't let me on the cheer team it will be

my death.

"And I'm in love with Kassie Caleb".

I stared at him up in shock as everyone gasped.

Then the Zombie alarm went off.

Love Struck  *{Bucky x Oc}*Where stories live. Discover now