Chapter 1: Graves And Cute Boys

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A/N: This is a sequel, but you don't have to read my other story to read this. I advice it as you will understand more
of the content of this book, but you can read this without reading Luna. Hope you enjoy!
I sat at the cold gras that had frozen from the rain that fell that day. My vision was blurred with tears that threatened to fall. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like. To have her alive and be with me. Like she should.

Ever since I was able to understand what the adults said I knew about her. It was like a knife in my heart. I was hurting inside. Even if I grew up fine, I would never be able to feel her warmth and comfort. Never being able to talk about boys and periods.

It wasn't that bad to grow up like I did, but I wanted her to be there too. To be there and cry when I went to my senior prom and be all happy when I got an A at my test. I never experienced that.

I heard footsteps behind me, but didn't bother to take up her head. I already knew who it was. It had been normal for us both. Him to find me sitting and staring at the grave at this time. The dark night was around us and none of us said a word. Not even a small noise.

I thought it was peaceful, but he had other plans. "I knew I would find you here." It was his usual words when he found me sitting alone at midnight staring at a grave in silent.

The first few years I had cried. It was too painful for her, but after a little while, it got better and now I was here because she could almost feel her touch. Like the wind brushing my cheek; a hand caress over it. A warmth that spread around my body; a warm hug. Signs like that made me happy.

"Well, I am here every night," I whispered. I never liked talking aloud in front of her grave. It was like intruding something that wasn't supposed to be intruded.

"Libby, father is worried about you," he said and put an arm around me. Pulling me closer to him. I sighed and looked up into his deep brown eyes that he clearly got from her.

"It realise my worry and stress," I said silently back to him. I was comforted by him. We are more than just brother and sister, our bond goes much more deeper. It just can't be explained.

"I know," he muttered into my hair. Both of us got their mother's blonde looks, but Lotus got her eyes from her father.

"It's sad to know she's gone, Luke, even if we never met her." Small tears slowly fell from my eyes and down my cheeks. It was the first time in two years I had ever cried before her grave.

"I know, but she would be happy if you are happy," Luke smiled down at me. To see him smile through this made me proud. Luke was so strong and protective.

You are too, Lou, my Wolf whispered. My Wolf was so understanding about my life. We never fought and she gave Me so much advise. At school I had one friend from kindergarten to be there for me. She was a year younger, but we connected at once.

"Thank you, Luke," I whispered. His warm arms let go of me and he rose up. I knew he would go after this. Luke only came to see if I was okay and then leave again. It was a normal routine so it didn't hurt when he left.

"Bye, Lib," he smiled at me again, "and pleaser come home a little earlier than yesterday." I stuck out my tongue at him before he left.

Once again I was alone with my thoughts. At the grave was a picture of my mother; she was grinning and had my father's arms wrapped around her from behind. My father had given it to her when she turned sixteen and she chose to put it here. I looked a lot like my mother. Only my eyes was from my father.

"A little late isn't it?" Came a voice from behind me. I was startled and almost jumped from where I sat.

I turned around and locked eyes with a boy with hazel eyes and almost black hair. It fell in front of his eyes, but it only made him look more cute. He had high cheekbones and a muscular body. If I guessed I had said he was around twenty.

"What?" I blinked and the boy smirked. I admitted that he looked devilishly handsome, but somehow I knew it would only boost his ego if I said so.

"I said 'it's a little late, isn't it?'" This time the boy said it slower like I was a five year old. I glared at him, but couldn't keep my hormones away as he talked in such a dark way. He was the most perfect man I had ever seen.

"I know," I said angrily and crossed my arms over my chest. The warmth of my jacket making the cold more tolerable.

"Who's this?" the boy asked and pointed at my mother's grave. I swallowed the clump in my throaty before answering, "m-my mother."

The boy looked at the date of what stood at the grave:

Melody Black.

24.02.1998 - 23.05.2014

Loved by her children and man.

I read the same sentence night after night. It was something that was written when I was two years old and started asking for her.

"Your mom only got sixteen?" The boy asked shocked. I nodded not really wanting to talk about my mother with this stranger.

"What's your name?" I wondered. If I at least was going to tell him about my mother, might as well know this stranger's name.

"The name's Theo," the boy smiled and winked at me. Theo. It was a cute name and I couldn't help but wonder what he was doing in the cemetery.

"Now yours," Theo stated and stared at her with his intense and soft hazel eyes. I got out of my trance after convincing myself to look away, he made me feel something. Made me feel alive and that my heart is actually beating.

"Lotus," I whispered. I knew my name was different. At school everyone teased me about it, so I mentally changed it to Libby.

"That's a beautiful name," he smiled. I felt my cheeks turning warm and sure looked like a tomato. Even if he only commented on my name.

"So what are you doing here, Theo?" I asked, changing the subject. Theo noticed and a small smirk was on his face, but he didn't comment.

"I heard voices from here when I walked past to get home. I wanted to check it out so I followed them and that's when I found you and a boy. He was holding around you so I thought he was your boyfriend or something, but then I catches him saying something about 'our father' so I figured out you two were siblings," Theo answered and I looked at him in pure shock. Did he stand there the whole time?

Something in me said yes and from what I heard it was right.

"Well, um I need to go home," I said awkwardly before I rose up on my shoes. I brushed the dirt away from my faded out jeans and packed myself into my thick jacket more. It was nearly winter and the temperature was low.


I hurried over the cemetery and out the iron gate that indicated the entrance and exit. Something cold hit my cheek and looked up to see small snowflakes falling down.


I loved it. Winter was my favourite season just because of the snow. I giggled and put her hand out to catch the snowflakes that fell. When the cold hit my warm hand it melted.

"Lotus!" A voice called from behind me. I turned around and saw Theo coming running out the iron gate. He breathed heavily and was out of breath.

I looked at him in wonder. What did he want?

Before I could say anything his lips crashed down on mine. It was a wonderful feeling, but it only lasted a few seconds before Theo broke away. When I looked at him he looked happy and had a pink colour on his cheeks. Not from the coldness.

"Goodnight, Lotus," he said and ran away.

"Goodnight, Theo," I said after him into the dark night with snowflakes swirling around her.

I had a good feeling about him, but I couldn't understand what it was that was drawing me into his grip. Maybe his warm hazel eyes or his soft plump lips. I didn't know, but I doubted I was going to meet him again.
Hey! Okay, I'm officially starting on the sequel of Luna. I hope you will like it. But the book itself will be different and the plot is better. I think this will turn out better! Hope you liked this chapter. And don't forget to vote & comment!! :D

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