Doubtful | Chapter One

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"Come on Jay!" Kai cheered. I quickened my pace, I couldn't lose this race. Cole was a strong opponent, but I was known for my speed.

I grinned as the "finish line" was in sight, I felt adrenaline course through my veins. 'The faster I go the more they cheer' I thought, whizzing past Cole.

Sensei Wu had us doing speed races for stamina training; we had broken up into two teams. My team consisted of Kai, Nya and I. Cole's team had Lloyd, Zane and Cole. In a two versus two match we were tied; Nya and Zane had lost to Lloyd and Kai.

It was up to me to win for my team, our punishment was very fierce if we lost. I glanced behind me, Cole was growing nearer. 'Come on! You can't give up now!' I scolded myself, my feet were aching. Blisters forming under my heels, but I had to win, I could practically taste victory.

"And Cole is the winner!" Sensei announced, Lloyd and Zane cheered congratulating Cole.

While I had been busy day dreaming, Cole had swept by and won. My shoulders drooped as I walked over to my team, the losing team.

"Aw man! Now we have to do all the dishes this week!" Kai whined childishly. Nya chuckled shaking her head.

Kai was right though, our punishment was to do all the dishes. It wouldn't seem like big deal, but we were very messy and dishes piled up easily.

"I-I'm sorry, I tried to be fast but I guess I got in my head again" I apologized sheepishly. My fingers picking at the skin around my thumbs; a nervous habit of mine.

Nya was silent, I assumed she was trying to keep the peace, keeping her grievances to herself.

"I guess you aren't fast as lightning anymore" Kai joked, slapping me on the shoulder. I winced as him and Nya walked away. 'He's not wrong, even if it was just a joke. I've gotten slow and sloppy' I thought, making note to train extra hard that night.


"Jay?" Lloyd asked, snapping me out of my day dream. I dropped my fork in shock, flinging mashed potatoes onto everyone.

I sheepishly apologized as they groaned playfully. We had food fights, or ended up covered in food at least once a week.

"Are you okay? You've barely touched your dinner" Lloyd pointed out. He was right, I had been too busy thinking about earlier I hadn't eaten any of my roasted veggies or mashed potatoes. I quickly spooned some in my mouth, even though the food barely made it into my stomach. I had lost my appetite long before dinner.

The group brushed it off and resumed talking. I sighed grabbing my plate, I would be doing the dishes tonight... and every night after.

I dipped the plate into the sink, watching the soapy substance drip off.

"Hey, you didn't have to do all the dishes alone" a soft angelic voice chuckled. I turned around with a smile.

"Sure I do" I explained weakly. "It's my fault we lost in the first place"

I turned back to the dishes, focusing all my energy on completing the grueling task.

a hand grabbed my shoulder, turning me around quickly. Before I could protest a pair of lips crashed onto mine. They were commanding, yet gentle. I melted into the kiss.

"It was not your fault" She whispered, her breath tickling my ear.

"I know" I whispered, I wasn't sure if I was lying to her or myself. 'How could it not be my fault?' I sighed, picking up a glass.

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