@miniminter and @ksi irl

878 41 3

they'd been in the current club for half an hour now, and simon was pretty far gone. he couldn't remember how many drinks he'd had, but it was a large amount.

every so often a drink would appear in front of him, along with congratulations from someone he didn't exactly know.

he was far enough in his drunken state to probably not remember the events in this club tomorrow, which was very dangerous.

simon was a pretty touchy, clingy drunk. he'd hang off peoples arms, leave lingering touches on there backs and stroke their wrists.

it was just something he'd do.

so when he flung an arm around jj's neck and kept it there, no one batted an eye. partly cause they were used to it, and partly because they were too drunk to care.

vik was still there, as was tobi and ethan, and a few of simons friends from London. but everyone else had left. including harry and josh, who quite suspiciously left together.

the buzz of alcohol was in simons blood, and he could feel it pumping around  his body.

the remaining few were tucked away in a booth, at the back of the club.

when they'd walked in, immediately jj was recognised, and he was brought into a hug by the owner. he gave them a vip booth, near the back, and some free drinks.

seeing jj like that, confident and well known, did things to simon. he was weirdly turned on by the power and control jj had.

which is exaclty what he told him, when jj joined them back at the booth, his forehead shiny with sweat and his lips deep red.

he slipped into the booth next to simon, and almost immediately simons head was on jj's shoulder.

"has anyone ever told you," he began, poking a finger into jj's chest, "that you're really fucking hot?"

jj chuckled, the sound vibrating against simons cheek.

"occasionally, yes doll." he replied, marginally less slurred then simon.

it was silent for several minutes, simon in deep thought.

"i like that." simon muttered suddenly.


"the names you call me." he sat up slightly, counting them off on his fingers.

"doll, sweetheart, baby," he sat quiet for several seconds, before his eyes lit up.

"have you ever called me baby boy?" he questioned, but didn't wait for a response.

"cause i really like that one."

jj chuckled again. "i'll keep that in mind, baby."

simon smiled sleepily up at him.

"want to get out of here?" jj asked, as simons eyes shut once again.

simon nodded.

jj slid an arm around his waist, and shimmied both of them out of the seat.

jj said goodbyes to their friends, but simon was just resting his head on jj, and staying quiet.

as soon as they left the humid, stifling club, simon got the sudden urge to puke.

he leant over grass, and felt his body convulse. jj stood next to him, running a hand through his hair and muttering sweet words.

when simon was eventually finished, he turned back to jj.

"sorry." he said, his face planted at the ground.

jj did that thing again where he pointed simons chin up, and once again his stomach flipped.

"it's alright love, don't apologise."

simon nodded sleepily, and jj pulled out his phone to call an uber.

"simon, mate, i'm gonna call an uber now. do you want me to take you back to yours, or stay with me for the night?" jj questioned.

simon stayed quiet.

"hey, si," jj began, gently rubbing his shoulder. "i don't want to take you back to mine if you don't want to."

"i'll go back to yours." simon agreed.

while jj was busy calling the uber, and simon slightly more sober, he began to shiver. it was very bloody cold, and so the only rational thing he could think to do, was to bury his face into jj's coat.

"what," jj began, laughing. "what are you doing, si?"

"i'm cold." he muttered.

"alright, babes." jj replied, caressing simon's back.

as soon as their car arrived, simon was pushed into the back, and leant against jj's shoulder. he very quickly fell asleep.


simon's first thought the next morning, was how he regretted how much he drunk.

he always did this, vowed that he won't drink as much as the time before, because it truly did mess with his head.

he kept his face buried in the pillow, not even fully aware of the rest of his body.

after a few minutes, he slowly raised his head again, to realise something that should have been painfully obvious;

this wasn't his place.

this wasn't his apartment, nor was this his room, and nor was this even his bed.

questions filled his head, as he tried to answer the most important ones.

had he been kidnapped? most probably not, but an option.

was he ok? yes, simon was now aware of the fact that he didn't have any injuries.

and most importantly, what the fuck happened last night? that one, simon couldn't yet answer.


i'm sorry to leave it like that! :(
once we get 10 votes, i'll upload the next chapter right away!
may xox

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