3. Commencing Game Plan

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"What do you mean by…" I ask, realisation slowly dawning on me. But before I could proceed, he turns away, walking off to a certain direction. 

"Where are we going?" I ask. 

"To sign a contract. Words can't be a guarantor." He simply says, hands clad coldly in his pockets. 

I walk slowly behind him, a little hesitant about the situation. Afterall— I am working with a con artist, thoughts of the worst case scenario begin to whirl endlessly in my head. But he couldn't gain anything from the bankrupt me, right?....

"If you're thinking that I have nothing to gain from your current state, you're wrong." Jungkook suddenly voices out, as if he's been reading my every thought. "The world is a demented place. Black markets for organs and slavery exist in the world." 

"You're gonna... sell my organs..?" I answered, alarmed. My toes were on the edge.

With that, he chuckles slightly at my question. "Not that. But that." 


"Huh?" I was getting more confused by the minute. 

"Marriage." Jungkook merely states, the sacred word rolling off his tongue like a nonchalant sound. "I've been thinking of finding a life partner so people will stop viewing me as a con monster. You're cute, you'll do." 

"You're just using me then." I stopped in my tracks, but his eyes fluttered shut at my statement. 

"Touché. You're using me too, aren't you?" Jungkook strikes a devilish grin at me. "Well, let's have fun using each other from now on."

Somehow his words rendered me speechless— the way he cleverly and coldly shut off all my possible questions told of an intelligent man. He was smart beyond his own wits, and that was the ruin of him. 

But for me, it was the other way. 

"I'm too dumb and naive, that it's the ruin of me." I muttered, and Jungkook seems to notice. 

"A dumb person wouldn't know that they're dumb." He answers, diverting his eyes away. 

Before I knew it, we had reached his apartment. It was somewhat dusty and unkempt, probably due to him being in prison for a year. 

"Here's the contract," Jungkook passes me a piece of paper shortly after. "Sign here." 

I gulped. Do I really sign it? 

Closing my eyes, I press the pen on the paper, scribbling my signature on it. A sense of loss came to me like a wave, and I felt impending doom at the sight of the contract. 

But this is the only option I had. 

"Alright, time to rest." He stretches, plopping himself down to the sofa. 

"Wait, you're not planning what to do next? Hey, the sofas dirty!" I ran towards him, grabbing his hand before—

He pulls me into his chest. 


"Just stay. I need a pillow." He states, hugging me tightly. His eyes flutter shut as he cuddles into me. Oh God. 

"Um." I blushed profusely. "Please stop, we need to plan how to get back the money." 

"This is the first step, baby." He whispers, still comfortably in my embrace. 

"What do you mean?!" I try to push him off, but to no avail.

"Commencing Game Plan," he says. "You'll have to get used to this, because…

you'll have to act as my girlfriend." 

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