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Izuku Midoriya 

5 𝓨𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓼 𝓛𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻

"Don't run, please!" Izuku called after the five-year-old boy. His son was a runner these days. The small boy was currently toddling through the house and climbing the stairs towards his bedroom. Life over the past few years had become routine, comfortable, and rather quiet. Dabi treaded his son kindly, still under the impression that the growing child was his own flesh and blood. The Omega knew better but didn't have many options. To the child, Dabi was his father.

"M'kay, Mama," the young boy slowed his pace and carefully climbed them this time. His small hand gripped the railing as he hiked his short legs up one at a time while ascending the carpeted stairs. 

"Karu, come back down once you get your toy," he called up the stairs as the green mop of hair disappeared behind the bedroom door.

"Kay!" Karu called back before the familiar sound of a toybox being opened muffled out any more communication they could have. For a long time after Karu was born, Dabi let Izuku stay home and raise him, but once the child was old enough to begin school, tutors were brought in during the day and the Omega was made to work.

It was almost time for another workday, and Izuku was getting Karu ready for the tutor to arrive. Dabi had departed already. The house they recently moved to was to keep up some form of normalcy for Karu. It wasn't any kind of neighborhood or street they lived on, no. The house was built in an underground location that the League of Villans owned. It was a quick walk through some tunnels and then he would arrive where the group held all their meetings. 

Izuku had no choice but to work for the League, and after a while, he stopped caring in general. This was his life now, and any form of rebellion put Karu at risk. Dabi never threatened to hurt the boy. To the Alpha, that Karu was his son. Dabi only ever threatened to take Karu away from Izuku, and that was enough motivation for him to obey. 

"Mama, I'm rwedy. Mrs. Sagi here?" Karu asked while coming down the stairs. His backpack was slung over his shoulder, most likely stuffed full of toys and his school work. Izuku smiled and took his son's hand once he reached the bottom of the stairs.

"No, Mrs. Sagi isn't here yet. She'll be here soon," he soothed his overly excited son. Karu had just turned five, and his quirk had yet to manifest. Izuku wasn't in a rush for that though. They had gotten lucky with Karu's physical appearance taking after Izuku rather than Katsuki, but he knew that if his son had a quirk that it would be genetically similar to Katsuki's since Izuku was born without one. 

Thoughts of Katsuki still haunted him from time to time, but eventually, those thoughts began to fade. Izuku had a new life now, and he had long given up his prayers. No one was going to find them or rescue them. No one was coming and this was their new reality. He squeezed Karu's hand as Mrs. Sagi knocked on the front door and entered. As far as villains went, he was glad Mrs. Sagi was someone the Omega at least felt comfortable with. She was great with Karu, and Izuku didn't have any qualms leaving his son with her. Not that he had much of a choice. 

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