Chapter One

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The alarm began beeping far too early in Jade's opinion. Six o'clock was stupid when you worked the night shift. She rolled over and slapped the off button then slid out of bed with a ceremonious groan. She trudged to the kitchen and put on a pot of coffee. Thank God for caffeine. As the old stained coffee machine gurgled out  the nectar of the gods, Jade walked down the hall to her little sisters room. Charlotte took the longest to wake up so Jade always woke her up first. "Charlie, time to wake up." She called into the incredibly messy and mostly pink room. Jade was greeted by a groan very similar to hers. Once the five year old girl flopped out of her bed, Jade moved down the hall to the boys's room. 

Benny and Liam woke up easily, something both she and Charlie were jealous of. "Benny. It's time to get ready for school." She walked into the room, less messy than Charlie's but still a total pigsty. A lanky little boy almost immediately sat up and got out of bed. He went to the brown dresser and started opening drawers. Jade stepped over dinosaurs and robots to get to the white crib on the other side of the room. A dark brown haired baby boy was still sleeping soundly, clutching onto a stuffed elephant. Jade leaned down and gently stroked his hair. "Liam," She cooed. Liam opened his hazel eyes and stared up at Jade, looking slightly confused. Then he smiled and rubbed his eyes. Jade picked him up out of his crib and squeezed him tight. 

"Blue spaceship or orange stripes?" Benny asked Jade, holding up two different shirts. "Tough choice. I say space ship because it's out of this world." "You tell the worst jokes." Said Benny, but he giggled anyways. He was the sweetest eight year old on the planet in Jade's eyes. Jade took Liam to check on Charlotte, who was now sitting at the kitchen table with a bowl of cereal and looking very offended that Jade had woken her up. "What are you going to wear today?" Jade asked her. "Clothes." "Haha very funny. I just washed that pink skirt so you can wear that with your butterfly shirt."

Jade got her cup of coffee, added copious amounts of creamer, then set Liam in his highchair and started making his breakfast sludge. Benny walked into the kitchen and asked "Can we have pancakes?" "No time today. Maybe tomorrow." After about an hour of yelling and other chaos, Jade was finally able to shuttle all three kids out the door of their small house and into her ugly vomit green mini van.  "Homework?" "Check." "Benny you remembered that permission slip?" "Check." "Nobody has to pee?" "Nope." "Not right now." "Charlotte I am not stopping at another McDonald's to take you to the bathroom." 

After twenty minutes of driving and barely contained road rage, Jade got to Benny and Charlie's school. "Bye Jade! Love you!" "Love you too Benny have a good day guys. Charlie if hear about you talking back to your teacher again you're going to be in big trouble." Charlie rolled her eyes and said "Ok. Bye love you." Together they walked onto the playground and Jade drove to work. She looked back at Liam who was humming and bouncing his feet. "Let's go see Mrs. Jones bud." "Yay!". Mrs. Jones was Jade's boss, who thankfuly adored Liam and loved having him at the shop. 

Jade worked at an auto body shop. She wasn't a mechanic. She was the secretary. She did spend a great deal of time staring at the mechanics though. Specifically the female ones with their sleeves rolled up. She parked in her usual spot and unbuckled Liam. Mrs. Jones was just opening up and she squealed when she saw Liam. Mrs. Jones was a plump old woman with no children and a serious face. Well, it was serious when she wasn't looking at Liam. Liam let go of Jade's hand and wadddled at hyper speed towards Mrs. Jones. She gave him a huge bear hug and said "Thank goodness you're here! I have so much candy and I have no idea what to do with it." 

It was a rather calm day at the shop. Jade spent most of it answering calls and telling Liam "Get that out of your mouth." One of the mechanics came out and said hi to Liam. She was crouching next to him and giving Jade a fantastic view of her butt. Jade almost died when she said "You must get your good looks from your sister." Thankfully the phone rang so Jade didn't have to come up with a response. The other secretary was late. Again. She showed up at 2:45 in her seven inch heels, jaw smacking while she chewed her gum and said "Sorry Jane. There was a stupid amount of traffic in town."

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