The Return

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"October 4th, 2014
Long ago, life was much different, better, but different. you see if you've ever played a video game you know the ability to respawn, once people had the ability to do this one if they died. but one day this ability disappeared. hundreds of thousands of people died, world leaders, athletes, actors and actresses. the entire world was in shock, and in one day the population dropped by 356,000. but today grandpa died in the hospital, but when we came home he was sitting on the couch watching tv. he was alive when the ability to respawn was still around so he knew what it was, he was shocked to find out it was back, but felt a nostalgia in what it felt like. none of us knew what it was like as we were born long after it was lost. we were ecstatic to find that he wasn't dead, but confused as to how. i'm scared but curious to see how it effects society, laws, or social normalities.

October 5th, 2014
i woke up to mom and dad watching the news. people were talking about how people all over the world have returned to the land of the living seconds after dying. crying families filled with joy at the sight of loved ones having more time to spend with their family. no one who died in the time that we lost this ability so sadly i won't be able to see grandma again, but i know that she's better off than she ever was here.

July 25th, 2025
yesterday, the state of New York officially announced that we're in a state of overpopulation, and in a state of a housing and job shortage, with people never having to face death, houses never go on market because the owners died, people can never retire because they never die so they have to keep working to fund their life. so new jobs rarely ever open up and houses are sold days after they're listed, the entirety of New York and other major cities across the world have begun looking like a dystopian future society with ramshackled apartment buildings rising high into the sky with little to no safety in check. i'm beginning to think that this isn't the great thing that everyone is making it out to be.

July 26th, 2025
my mom got laid off from her work. With the new advent of comprehensive robots made for all fields of work, everyone is losing their jobs. soon society will have to find a new way of circulating money to people that were replaced by robots or we'll also have a surge of homelessness on our hands. i'm scared for humanities future

February 23rd, 2043
the first case of a robot intentionally killing a human has been reported. people are rioting, robots are being torn apart, and recalled, but since people are being violent the robots have activated emergency escape protocols. i fear that soon the people who made the robots will get mad at people for destroying their creations. soon we might have a war on our hands.

February 24th, 2043
within 24 hours of the first reported case of a robot killing a human, 5 more have popped up even though the people returned safely to their homes, they still felt the pain associated with dying, and people are worried for their safety in terms of being hurt but not dying. over 50,000 robots have been called back to factories to be destroyed and people are returning to their jobs. society seems to be returning to a state of calm.

December 6th, 2134
the last robot left in the workfield was destroyed yesterday. people are happy, although the housing crisis is only worsening every year. hopefully this problem resolves itself soon."

Those were a few excerpts from Sophia Truemans diary. She was taken from us in the great tragedy of humanity once again losing the ability to come back after death. hopefully we will finally learn from this unlike the last time. hopefully we will stop seeking out this power, and understand that death is an important and inescapable part of life.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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