The meeting

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StormSmasher didn't much like MudWings. He didn't hate them though, either. Swamp was regarding him with placid eyes, as though trying to remember if they had ever met before. But of course they hadn't. Although StormSmasher lived with his mother on the outskirts of the NightWing village, he was still sent on negotiating missions with the MudWings. And this meant he always came back with dirty claws and a crocodile for dinner.

Suddenly, royalty spoke. Swamp's voice was as kind as his eyes, and as peaceful as a RainWing. 'Well, CloudKisser, are we negotiating?' He rumbled, getting his name wrong in the process. 'It's StormSmasher, actually, Swamp' He corrected, gesturing to himself. Swamp shook his head and held his chin high, as all royalty did when reminded of their own stupidity. His mind whispered, Saguaro should be easily taken out soon, then I'll have what I want. So that was interesting. Swamp was planning to get rid of a dragon to get his talons on something. Hmmm... He put it out of his head as Swamp disappeared between corners, and StormSmasher hurried to keep up.

But suddenly, something hard collided with his head, and darkness enveloped him.

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