Day 1 tour...
I woke up with Nick cuddling and he was so flipping cute I tried to move but Nick was too strong so he told me
Nick:babygirl where are you going?
You:to the bathroom bebs
Nick:wait Baby stay here 5 more minutes🥺
You:ok ok baby.
You played with his hair and he went back to sleep again I waited 5 more minutes and I wake him up.
Nick:OMG CHLOE CHLOE ARE U O-wait there's no fire heyyy baby u pranked me😔
You:awwwww sowwy bebbe you won't wake up!
Nick:ok ok well now go to the bathroom imma go back to sleep
You:yah yah yah sure if I see you after my shower sleeping you know what will happen!
Nick:ahhh baby ok ok I'm up (i'm up,I'm up the frick,I'm up.tiktok if yah know😅)
You:bye bebeeeeeeee imma miss you
Nick:ahhh bubs don't cry imma miss you too,never ever and ever forget okay?
You:hhahahha ok stop byeeee luvs!
After my shower I blowered my hair put my chanel no 5 and decided to put this cute outfit because I like it and Nick would like it too😳🥴