𝗶𝗶. carnage in the classroom.

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chapter two.

AFFINITY;   chapter two

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"LEE-BUG, WAKE UP." Kali lightly shook her sister, and Maeve Lee woke up with a start, groaning as she put a hand to her back, and she stroked the spot where it hurt the most. Kali looked concerned as she reached over and applied pressure, making Maeve Lee hiss in pain. "Is your back acting up again?" Kali questioned, and Maeve Lee slowly nodded her head, partially telling her the truth.

"If you want, you don't have to go to school today. It's okay if you go tomorrow or even take the week off-" Kali started to ramble, but Maeve Lee stopped her by putting a comforting hand on her sister's shoulder. "Kali, I'm fine. It's just a little back pain. My bad back's not gonna stop me from going to school." Maeve Lee reassured, and Kali smiled softly, knowing how much her sister had been secretly looking forward to going to school with kids her own age.

"Okay, but get ready quickly. You overslept again." Kali laughed a little as she saw Maeve Lee's eyes widen in dread. Maeve Lee looked at the clock on her nightstand and saw that she had very little time to get ready. As Kali was leaving, Maeve Lee called out to her. "How am I getting to school?" She asked, and Kali looked back with a wary look on her face.

"The twins are going to be going to school with you," Kali answered, and Maeve Lee immediately scoffed, throwing back her sheets as she got out bed. "You're letting them loose in a public school? Who knows what they'll do, Kali." She told her sister in a low voice, and Kali could only shrug as she looked at her sister. "You know it's not in my control." She simply said, and she left the room.

Maeve Lee growled irritatedly as she started to get to work, hastily brushing her teeth and combing her hair, and she realized how the twins attending school with her gave them the opportunity to keep an eye on her at all times. And that threw a wrench in her plans on helping Scott and his friends without getting caught. Maeve Lee paused for a minute and stared at herself in the mirror with the gears in her brain turning. She needed to make a new plan fast.

Sometime later, the twins were waiting outside for Maeve Lee, growing impatient. Aiden revved his bike louder, making Maeve Lee curse loudly and finish her breakfast hastily, and she grabbed her backpack while adjusting her shoes, tripping over some twigs as she made her way to Aiden's bike.

"Why do you have to come with me?" Aiden snarled while holding out a helmet for her to wear, and Maeve Lee only glared at him, snatching the helmet from his hand and clipped it on. She situated herself behind him, and she leaned forward a little. "Because now, you're suffering as much as I am." She said while wrapping her arms around his torso and squeezing tight, knowing that's where she slashed him last night with the wolfsbane-laced knife.

Aiden hissed in pain as he felt the pressure around his still-healing wound, and he only turned forward and revved forward, trying to keep his anger in check as they drove to the school. They zoomed out of the woods and across town, catching the attention of many on-lookers. Maeve Lee held on tighter to Aiden's torso as they gained speed, making the Alpha wince, and Maeve Lee felt satisfaction at winning this small battle against the twins.

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