-with longer hair (emo)
-who like to dye their hair once in a while
-who aren't self-centered
-who sometimes take selfies holding a baby kitten or a bunny (idk y, I just love it so much) <333
-who have a bit of a feminine side sometimes
-who aren't afraid or too prideful to cry once in a while
-who love me for me
-who give me cute little gifts on special holidays
-who respects my beliefs and boundaries
-who love to be adorable and blush constantly <3
-with a love for the arts
-with a good sense of style
-who can tell cute, bad, funny, and dirty jokes :))))
-who are passionate
-who will cuddle me and comfort me when I am feeling scared, alone, etc.
-who aren't afraid to be their true self <3333
-who has a really cool piercing, tattoo, or both
-will protect me as I will protect him
-loves God as much as I do
-Is willing to stay a virgin until marriage, like God wants of us
I hope that some day I will find the one that meets every single one of these things. He is out there somewhere. <333