Part 1 My 2 Wierdos .

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These boys have been my friends for life. They are really great friends to me,... Johnny, {Green shirt} is the one that I can trust the most . He is a Saber-cat football player and he is a good guy, not a bad like a trouble-maker .Then the other guy , his name is Juan , but me and my friends call 'em Jc . It stands for Juan Carlos . Jc is really funny like Johnny . Well, I guess I can trust Jc too a little bit with stuff that I tell him . But when other people tell "him" a secret , he tells other people, unlike ME , he doesn't because he knows if he tells somebody what I tell him, he will get hurt . Johnny & Jc love Football, but now these days, Jc plays soccer😒, and so Johnny on the other hand, plays football still like me 😁 . They're both great best friends,... For life . Me and Johnny met in the first grade though , and Me and Jc , well Johnny introduced me to him in second grade . So we've been friends almost for life.. and we will
continue to be friends for life .
My True Friends .

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