It's Quiet (One Shot??)

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It's a hard day for Louis, his father forgot to send him his anxiety pills and now he is trying to keep on a brave face while internally panicking each second. His head filled with "what if this"" and "what if that" it was honestly frightening.

Each class was mentally destroying him, he couldn't focus and he felt stupid, weak for being so scared. He didn't let this show, however, and put in the best face he could muster to hide his anxiety.

No one even noticed how much he was shaking, sweating, and breathing as though he had just ran 50 miles. For him, this made it easier for him to hide. But, it also hurt. Just a tad.

When he arrived at the drama club, he felt a weight being dropped onto his body and he stumbled a bit in his step as he realized he would be like this until the end of the week. And it scared him. "Louis? Are you okay?" Louis looked up to find Juno staring at him with concern. A look he hated dearly.

"I'm fine, Juno." He stated, fixing his posture and looking at her in the eyes even if he was sweating profusely and about to have a bad anxiety attack. He walked away from her before she could anything else, blinking away the tears that were forming in his eyes quickly. As everyone practiced he headed into his office, rushing over to his desk. "There has to be some in here..please let there be some.." he opened drawers, looked in his bookshelf, basically destroying the place as he frantically searched for any spare pills.

His heart dropped when he realized he had nothing and he sunk to the ground, gripping the base of his antlers as his breath began frantic, tears spilling from his eyes in such a way that couldn't even be described, but anyone could tell he was scared, petrified even.

His chest hurt, his head aches in pain from crying so much he didn't even hear the door open or see a large silhouette rush over towards his body, crouching down in front of him. He shut his eyes as their mouth moved, my chest tightening with each heavy breath he took.


His eyes snapped open, finding the familiar timid grey wolf, Legoshi, to be staring back at him with worry and concern. "L..Legoshi..?" He managed to choke out, his ears lowering as the canine placed his hands onto Louis' shoulders. "Louis, I need you to name me five things you can see."

Louis looked up at Legoshi like he was an idiot, tears still spilling from his eyes as he took in a deep breath, exhaling hard and shakily. "I see you, my desk, the..the books on the floor...the door and...your eyes." Legoshi nodded giving a slight smile. "Now, four things you can hear."

"I..your voice. My voice..the air heart beat.." Louis spike, blinking as the tears seemed to slow down, maybe even stopping. "Three things you can touch." Legoshi's smile grew wider, but he made sure to secure his fangs behind his lips.

"My antlers," Louis moves his hands to place them one on top of Legoshi's, and the other on the wolf's arm. "Your hand and arm." His breathing began to normalize, and he relaxed a bit. "Two things you can smell."

"...uhh your breath and..deodorant." Louis replies, blinking away the remaining tears. "And one thing you can taste."

As a tear slipped down his face, he sniffed gently. " tears."

Legoshi wiped away the tear, smiling at him with pride. "Good job, Louis. Now, are you okay?" He asked, and Louis hesitated to say he usual response, and sighed.

"My father has forgotten to send me my anxiety pills, Lexapro. And he will send me them next weekend, so I'll be stuck like this all week. Please, don't waste your time worrying about me." Louis explained, but before he could react Legoshi is standing, and reaching out a hand.

"Uh??" Louis tilted his head to the side, but took Legoshi's hand and allowed him to help him stand. Legoshi didn't let go of his hand as he began to lead them toward the door, to which Louis wiped his eyes with his sleeve, trying to make it seem like he didn't just cry.

When they stepped out of the office, everyone looked over. "Louis and I are going to get more supplies, we'll be back soon." Legoshi said, everyone nodding their heads and going back to practicing as Legoshi lead Louis out of the room, and all the way to room 701. When they arrived at the door, Legoshi finally let go of Louis' hand to open the door.

He let Louis walk inside first, following after him and shutting the door gently behind him. "Why are we in your room Legoshi?" Louis asked, but Legoshi motioned the deer to follow, not giving him an answer, and yet Louis obeyed.

They walked into the bathroom and Legoshi grabbed a bottle of pills, the name of the pills read, Lexapro. Legoshi handed Louis the bottle and the deer looked up at him. "You need them more than I do, Louis. Plus, I know how to stop an anxiety attack, so I'll survive just fine without them." Legoshi said, shrugging a bit as he watched Louis open the bottle and pop a pill. "Thank you, Legoshi..for calming me down and letting me have your pills. But..why.."

"It's simple; I care about you. I don't want anything to happen to you, Louis. And I most certainly don't want to see you in that position ever again. The fear in your eyes made my heart hurt, and...I just can't explain it. I just want to keep you safe from all the evil in the world." Legoshi said, his ears lowering a bit as his swaying tail came to a halt. Louis didn't know why but the words that came from Legoshi's mouth made and feel all warm inside.

Louis stepped forward after setting the pills on the bathroom counter, and placed a hand in between Legoshi's ears and ruffles his fur gently. This made the carnivore's tail wag furiously, and he smiled, leaning into Louis' touch.

"Is loyalty a trait for wolves?" He whispered to himself, Legoshi looking up at him with confusion. "What?" The wolf asked, and Louis felt his face heat up.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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