Nov. 4 part 3

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I got some heavy stuff here for you. It gave me chills just trying to write it. If you feel uncomfortable please skip this chapter right away.

Last night continued...

Mei walks into the house, browsing the livingroom out of boredom when a guy walks up behind her.

"What's a sweet little lady, such as yourself, doing all alone?"
His voice seemed almost familiar, but when Mei turns around, all she sees is—

"NATE?" Her eyes widen in surprise.

"WHO ELSE?" He opens his arms wide for her, letting her crash into his chest, giving her a warm and friendly embrace.

"Did you know that there's cake? Cuz I want that right now. And I see it over there on the table." Nate turns Mei around to see the frosted cake.

"Yeah, it's been waiting there for you." Mei says sarcastically.

"YEAH." Nate cheers aggressively with his teeth clenched.

"Shall we go, madam?" Nate gives a playful bow and holds his arm out for Mei to hold.

"Yes, we shall." She links onto Nate's arm.

Together, the two stroll into a seemingly empty kitchen on their quest to take a bite of the cake.

"Hey you two!"

Suddenly, Amy appears through the hallway with Mark trailing behind her.

"Hi Amy." Mei smiles.

"Who's the cute guy?" Amy teasingly nudges Mei's arm.

"Oh shucks." Nate giggles. "I'm Nate. Mei's BEST friend in the whole wide universe." He says proudly.

"This is Amy, MY wonderful GIRLFRIEND...In the whole wide universe." Mark interrupts with a protective stance in front of Amy.

"Very wonderful." Mei repeats with a nod.

"It's nice to meet you Nate. Take care of Mei for Mark will you? He can barely concentrate on drinking coffee and editing at the same time."

The two teens look at Mark with faces of confusion.

"...well I MIGHT have spilled coffee all over my monitor maybe like, five times in the past year. Give or take." Mark smiles away his embarrassed ego.

He knows full well he did it more than 10 times.

"Well enjoy the cake!" Amy chimes as she and Mark hustle away to the backyard.

Nate motions for Mei to sit in a strong, brown chair behind the table while he looks for a knife.

In the distance, Mei catches a split second of Sean walking with that woman from earlier.


They were having a good time.

"Why do you look so down, Mei? We have cake!" Nate jumps into the matching chair beside Mei and places two, black painted plates in from of them.

"And the cake looks delicious." Mei comments.

"And I would enjoy it better knowing you were okay." Nate begins to cut the cake into big slices.

"Nate I...I'm just a bit sad."

It gets pretty sad after this.

"What about?"

Mei didn't want to really tell anyone, but at the same time, she did. She so desperately wanted to tell Nate or someone she could trust.

At the moment she didn't have many to trust.

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