TheRobot's Competition Corner

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Welcome  back! I’ve seen you’ve survived the horrors that stalked the Halloween night? Wonderful, let’s get straight to it shall we?

Last month I asked you to write for me a cliché horror story around a Halloween night and didn’t you do well? We had two entries this week, from PinkAura and DonnaSharples. So let’s take a look shall we?


It was Halloween night. My mother had out me in charge of taking my brother and his friends trick or treating, and honestly, I had better things to do. I would have given out candy at my front porch instead of taking my demon of a little brother out with his friends to get hyped up on candy.

“Trick or treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat! Not too big, not too small, just the size of Montréal!” my brother and his pesky friends shouted.

“Nicholas!” I shouted. “How many times do I have to tell you? That is rude! Stop it!” I shouted at him.

“Gabi, shut up. Leave me alone. I don’t even know why my mom made you go with me.” He replied as the lady at the door gave him some candy. She didn’t seem too impressed about what he shouted earlier.

“Trust me, it’s more a punishment for me then it is for you.” I said.

“Okay, let’s make a deal. You can go off, and I will stay with my friends. Meet on our street at 8:30, okay?” he asked.

“Fine,” I replied, eager to get rid of the little brat.

We shook hands and parted each on our own way. I started to head to my friend, Lauren’s, house, walking along the busy streets.

I took a few short cuts through back lanes, like I always do, when moving figure started to scare me. I thought it was a cat, but it wasn’t. A man in a black ski mask walked up to me.

“Hey baby, wher’ you goin’?” he reeked of liquor.

“To a friend’s house,” I replied.

“Why don’t you sit back here with me for a bit, hey?” he pulled out a knife and stabbed me. 31 times.

This piece had the classic tale of the controversial subject of Trick and/or Treat. Do we take part? Do we not? Do knock on strangers doors dressed as hideous monsters demanding candy? I think money would be more efficient.


Babette was the busty blonde of all men’s’ dreams. A Marilyn Munroe for the twenty first century, she enjoyed nothing more than partying, drinking and the odd fumble with the star quarterback Hermes. She’d noticed a new student; he was tall, athletic and had an aura about him, which drew her like a bee to honey. She was determined to make him hers. The opportunity presented itself when her friend Alice decided to throw a Halloween party for all the seniors; the theme being ‘Hollywood Horrors’. It was with excitement that she donned a floor length white gown that amplified her petite waist and very ample bosom. Her makeup was perfect and her blonde hair was curled into ringlets. The party was in full swing when she arrived, the swell of bodies gyrating to the music increased as she went on the prowl for the new boy. The smell of alcohol and sweaty bodies was rife, as she helped herself to a drink. She found him outside skulking near the pond. “I wanted to personally welcome you” she said, smiling at him. “Personal introductions are much better, don’t you think” she said as she looked up into his green eyes. He stood frozen to the spot, as she kissed him. He trembled, as her tongue snaked in between his mouth, deeper and deeper. His legs did a merry dance as she clasped him tighter to her, thrusting her tongue down deep in to his stomach; blood leaked out of his mouth and down the sides of his face. Babette withdrew her tongue as she watched in fascination his stomach grew. “You take care of my baby now, you hear” she said patting his head. It lolled to the side as the now glassy eyes looked onto the dark unseeing night.

Ms Sharples has taken us to one of those, classic high school party’s where beer and skin are of a plenty. A little less fright at these, unless you end up doing something while drunk and regret it in the morning. 

And the winner is…DonnaSharples, yes I’m sorry PinkAura. Both were strong pieces, both with different style and attaching themselves to a different aspect of Halloween culture. But when it came down to it DonnaSharples’ ending was what proved to be the victor, it was unexpected, a shock twist from the start with frankly puts me off ‘tonguing’ the busty blondes for a while, or going to a Halloween party. 

However, a special thanks to both competitors for getting to exactly 301 words, you know I like exact figures. 

Now then, onto this issues challenge. 

1: Let’s delve into the world of Psycho killers shall we? That’s right, this piece will be from the mind of a Psycho killer, and it’s up to you what they’re doing, killing…killing some more, etc. 

2: Let’s stick to…309 word this time. 

3: All entries to be sent via private message to @TheRobot. 

4: All entries to be in by Saturday 24th of Novemenber. 

Thank you, and I hope you had a Horrible Halloween.

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