Chapter 1. First day of my new life.

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My full name is Annabelle Rose Williams. My biological father died when I was around 6 months on a car accident I lived with my mom until I was 4 or 5, then she said she was going out and never came back, as a kid I didn't understood that but Now I know what she did, After around a month waiting for my mom to come someone called the cops and they send me into an orphanage, I was scared, alone and confused all at the same time. But everyone was so nice to me. In the orphanage I took ballet classes, I love dancing so much, I also took guitar and piano lessons. I was hoping that either my mother would come back or that someone would adopt me, but I was already 5 and people only adopted newborns.

I spent 10 years in that hell...home...orphanage when I turned 14 one of the teachers said to me that I was getting older and that people normally don't adopt teens and that the place was getting if nobody wanted to adopt me before I turn 15 I would have to leave and go on my own.

I work part time on a grocery store to make some money to buy clothes and stuff, and also to escape that hell.

So I was laying on my uncomfortable bed with my headphones on listening to music, classical jazz music I was just daydreaming of being a famous singer or dancer...when jake, a 10 year old who just bothers me all the time, entered to my room "ann" he said and I looked at him and took of my headphones, turning off that beautiful sound that came out from them "what do you want, bug?" I said already annoyed "guess who's here to adopt some one?" He smiled I looked at him confused "who?" "Lady gaga!" He said and left, more confused than before I got up from my bed and walked to the hall way of the second floor and made my way to the stairs, I just stayed there I saw just a group of people screaming and going crazy, and indeed there she was, with a black dress, a coat, her hair...or wig in a perfect bun, sunglasses on and her huge heels...I wish I could wear those. She was smiling and one of the teachers said "so miss germanotta, do have any preferences?" Miss germanotta? Well every day you learn something new "honestly I don't can I just walk around while I decide?" "Of course" miss green, my favorite teacher said and walked away, and most of the kids that were around Lady Gaga walked away too...don't get me wrong I respect her as an artist and a singer I really think she has powerful voice and I think she's a good person but...I just prefers the classics, queen, Beethoven, frank Sinatra...etc.

Then I walked to the music room, as I did every evening for over 10 years, I sat on the piano and started playing the first piece I ever learned, Fur Elise, I was only 6 years old when I first learned it, of course I've improved since then.

As I start playing I start closing my eyes, I don't wanna look because I just wanna feel music I wanna feel my passion for art take over me. And when I finish the piece I hear some one clapping, I immediately opened my eyes and saw her there, standing on the door way, lady gaga clapping and smiling at me, I blushed...a lot. I stood from the bench and walked to her, I said "thank you" she smiled sweetly at me and replied "you are really talented, what's your name?" Wow did just lady gaga said I'm "Annabelle" I replied politely, just in that moment miss green entered to the room "oh, sorry, miss germanotta, have you made your decision?" She asked and looked at gaga, she smiled, winked at me what the hell... "Yes, I want to adopt Annabelle" she said, miss green and my jaws dropped to the floor what the hell...again I stood there blankly looking at...the woman who had just adopted me... Miss green came back to her normal self and said "okay, here follow me and I'll show you the paperwork so you can sign" gaga nodded and started waking to the door I stopped her "wait...miss germanotta...are you sure I mean I'm 15 and you could adopt a baby it would be better for you...easier" I doubted every single word I was saying but...I had to warn her...after all my mother left me for a reason, I don't know which but maybe I was too annoying as a kid, I honestly don't remember anything before the orphanage.

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