Christmas at the burrow

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Victoria's POV
I couldn't wait to go back to the burrow! Not to mention see all of my fam together. Even Uncle Fred could make it, he was usually very busy. (Fred didn't die in this version because I refuse to believe it). I was packing while waiting for my best friend Teddy to arrive, he could just apparate to the burrow himself but he wanted me to go with him. He was the sweetest thing! He knew I was scared of the Floo system so he personally apperates or drives me to wherever I wish.
"Vic." Teddy said, startling me. I hadn't expected him this early, he looked very "punk rock" as he constantly said. His straight turcoise blue hair covered half of his face as he looked down at me over his nose ring. I noticed his arm had a new tattoo of a fox (that was his patronis). I grabbed his arm to get a closer look.
"When did you get this one, Teddy??" I asked excitedly. I've always wanted a tattoo but my mother would never let me.
"Last week." He said simply, smirking at my excitement.
"Was it after we hung out?" I asked, dropping his arm.
His smile grew. "Yes it was. Now get your stuff together, Vicky."
I started getting ready, folding my clothes and putting them in my trunk. I heard Teddy say, "Why do you have these? We both know you don't have a boyfriend." I spun around and saw Teddy levitating a pair of my black lace underwear in the air. "Hey!" I yell, the color creeping into my face. I reach for it and he dangles it just out of reach.
"Teddy." I say, struggling. "Give it back!"
"Ok." He says putting it back in my trunk. "But only because you asked so nicely." He smirked again.
About an hour later...
Teddy picked me up bridal-style and whispered "Hold on tight, Princess." In my ear. I turned red. "Don't call me princess!" I said, flustered.
Teddy smirked. "I'll call you whatever I want, princess."
"And put me down!" I said.
Teddy put me down. "Don't forget your trunk." I held my trunk and linked arms with him. The cold sensation overcame me as we appearated to the burrow.
I stood there in the middle of the Weasley kitchen trying to catch my breath. I had a habit of holding my breath every time we apperated. I set my trunk down as Mrs. Weasley hugged Teddy and I. Little James and Lily were playing gobstones in the living room, it was crazy how big they had grown.
"Is your Mum coming?" Asked Auntie Ginny.
"Yes, she takes a bit longer to pack then most people. Dominique and Louis are already here I presume?" I asked Her.
"They've been here since 5 in the morning!" Mrs. Weasley said.
"They probably missed your suburb cooking! I know I have!" I said, truthfully.
Mrs. Weasley hugged me. "Oh, you!"
She showed Teddy and I to our room. "We're a bit cramped so you'll have to share a room. Ron's old one."
"Thank you!" I said. As soon as she closed the door to the room Teddy and I were to share I collapsed on the only bed.
"We're gonna stay here for a week?" I asked, annoyed.
"We'll only have to share a room for about 3 days." He said. He was bending down so much it seemed his nose touched the carpet. I was so short when I stood up, the ceiling barely brushed my head.
I looked over to realize Teddy's Hair changed from turquoise blue to a light purply color. He left the room and returned a minute later to see me unpacking.
"Don't take up all of the space! Did you bring your  swimsuit?" Teddy asked.
"In winter?" I asked. "Why would I have?"
Teddy frowned. "You didn't get my letter?"
"What letter?" I asked, knowing my dad sometimes intercepted my owls from cute boys... I mean boys. I didn't think Teddy. My best friend Teddy was cute... did I?
I shook it off, knowing it couldn't possibly be true.
"Well, anyways in the letter I basically said we were gonna hang out with a few friends of mine while we were here." Teddy looked at me. "Is that all right with you?"
I nodded.
"Good. You know some of them, like Kelly my girlfriend. I mean you haven't met her, but I've talked about her, y'know. And of course there's my good mate Jared..."
I kind of zoned Teddy out at this point. Why did my heart drop every time he mentioned his girlfriend? She seemed nice. He was definitely happy with her. He talked about her constantly.
I've seen pictures, she isn't ugly. But is she part veela? Wait. Why was I comparing myself to her?
I tried to shake it off, but I couldn't get the picture of Teddy snogging that girl outta my head.
"Vic, are you okay? You're really quiet... you usually never stop talking." He grins down at me.
"I'm..fine." I said.
"Ok, what's wrong you usually call me out for saying something like that." His hair turned the purply color. The purply pink color was one he still couldn't figure out, he had told me that.
"Oh nothing, just hungry." I muttered.
"Then let's get some food in ya." Teddy said then smiled, then threw me over his shoulder.
"Put me down!" I yelped. But Teddy ignored me and carried me down the stairs of the burrow into the living room where he threw me down on the couch.
"My turn, Teddy!" Says an exited Lily.
Teddy scooped Lily up and carried her around the garden outside as he chatted with Louis about Merlin knows what.
When dinner time rolled around I sat in between Teddy and Uncle Fred.
When everyone but Teddy,  Uncle Fred,  Uncle George, My mum and I remained at the table Lily said, "Teddy! Teddy! When are you and Vicky bear getting married?!"
"Silly girl," says Mum.
Teddy's hair turned the purple color and he blushed a bit. "Umm. Lily, were not engaged."
"But you have to be! Because you kissed her that one time!" Lily said, eating her potatoes.
"I don't recall ever doing that, Miss. Potter."
"You did! I saw!" Lily screeched. "Last Christmas time."
"Lily," he sighed. "We were joking around."
"It didn't seem like it!" Lily stood up and walked away, not breaking eye contact with Teddy, saying "ship" as she walked away backwards.
"Zat is one strange kid." Mum says.
"I'm soo glad you got your dads accent." Teddy whispered in my ear. I felt his hot breath on my neck and shivered.
"Y-ya." I said.
After supper Teddy and I climbed up the stairs to the closet-of-room, I collapsed on the bed.
"Teddy! Victorie!" Mrs. Weasley yelled. "We're having hot cocoa! Do you want some??"
Teddy exchanged looks with me. "No, thank you!"
Teddy and I decided to catch up on schoolwork for a little bit until it was lights out.
"Goodnight you two. I expect you in bed in five minutes. The bathroom is down the hall. You guys will share that too." Mrs. Weasley said, poking her head in.
"Ok, Goodnight!" I said.
"Night." Teddy says.
As soon as she left Teddy turned to me. "We should sleep."
I yawned and nodded, setting down my book. "Oh but. Teddy?" I said, as he started making a floor bed.
"Hmm?" He looked up.
"You can't sleep on the floor!" I exclaimed. I turned off the light. "Sleep on the bed with me, Teddy. I know you get cranky if you don't get a good nights sleep." I pulled him into the bed. "It's ok Vicky. I can.." but I had already tackled him onto the bed.
"This is a big bed, you stay on one side I stay on the other , okay?" I felt my face get hot.
"Ok." Teddy said. I got off of him and took the side closest to the wall, being careful not to touch Teddy.
Teddy fell asleep quickly and whiten minutes early was lightly snoring. Without warning, Teddy's arm reached out and pulled me into him. I looked at him. He was still asleep. He cuddled up to me more, subconsciously ofc.
I was too comfy to wake him, if I was being completely honest, I liked it.
I drifted off to sleep in Teddy's muscly tattooed arms.

Hey human! I'm thankful for you. I really appreciate you giving this story a chance!
I have been absolutely drained of creativity.
Please please give me suggestions! I kind of have a little plan in mah head. But I could use more ideas! I'll give you credit.
Have a lovely day!
-The Toast

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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