Chapter One

Castiel took his sister's hand as they walked up to the booth during their freshman orientation to get what group they would be in for the tour. Reí looked at her brother and gave him a half-smile. It was the first time they had been away from home; well, it was the first time they had ever actually left home.

They were homeschooled and had always dreamed of going to a real school, hanging out with people their age, and who were like them.

"Novak," Castiel said when it was their turn at the table.

The man at the booth had a British accent, a short, balding man repeating their last name over and over until he found what he was looking for on the list.

"You are over there with Anna," the man said, pointing to a red-head with a clipboard.

"Thank you," Castiel said, turning on his heel and pulling his sister along.

It was a typical college campus, Ivy crawling up the sides of the buildings, lots of oak trees, and one gorgeous weeping willow that Reí fell in love with when they first came to visit the campus.

The twins lived in the co-ed dorm on the other side of the campus. The administration thought it was strange that they wanted a room together but didn't put up a fight when the Novak's made a significant donation to the library that needed rebuilding. The old one was in such disarray it was easier and cheaper to create a new one.

"Hello," Anna greeted once everyone who was in her group gathered around.

They mumbled a hello in greeting.

"I'm going to show you around. Feel free to ask questions as we go," Anna said, turning and pointing to the building to their left as she started rattling off information about specific structures.

Castiel and Reí stayed towards the back of the group; they weren't used to all the noise and smelled that came with being in a large group.

"I'm hungry," Reí said, looking at her brother.

Castiel reached into his backpack, pulling out a thermos and handing it to his sister. She smiled and took a sip sighing as the liquid touched her tongue.

"Not too much, don't wanna get a tummy ache," Cas said, taking the thermos from her.

Reí nodded, she knew better than to drink too much, but Castiel always reminded her. Castiel took a sip of his own before returning the container to his backpack.

"What did I miss?" a voice whispered from behind them.

Castiel turned and looked to see who was talking to them; he nearly tripped over his feet in the process. The guy was handsome, chiseled jaw, light brown hair sprinkling of freckles covering his face, the most beautiful green eyes Castiel had ever seen.

"Not much," Reí replied, nudging her brother, who seemed to have forgotten how to speak.

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