Chapter Seven

Rei was sitting alone in the cafe when Dean walked in, it had been two weeks since she attacked him, and Rei was avoiding Dean like he had the plague.

"Hey, what is going on?" Dean asked, blocking Rei from leaving the table.

"Nothing, I need to go," Rei said, getting her bag.

"Not until you tell me why you aren't talking to me?" Dean said, standing his ground.

He was scared all Rei could physically move Dean if she wanted to, but instead, she slumped down in her chair.

"I, I'm embarrassed," Rei said, looking out the window.

Dean touched her gently on the shoulder, "I know that wasn't the real you," he said.

"I could of hurt you," Rei said, her voice thick with tears.

"Rei, I know that wasn't you. You were high, I'm not mad," Dean said.

Rei shook her head, "you aren't?" she asked.

"Nah, we are still friends," Dean said, smiling.

Rei nodded and looked at Dean, asking if he wanted to sit with her until Cas got back. Dean shook his head, saying he was meeting with someone later and wanted to get ready.

"Like a date?" Rei asked.

"It's dinner, so I guess sure," Dean said, smiling.

"Have fun," Rei said.

She pulled out her phone after Dean left, sending Cas a quick text telling him Dean was going on a date.

Rei made her way back to their room, Cas was pacing when she opened the door. He was asking a million questions about Dean's date, who was it with? Where were they going? Everything Rei didn't ask about.

"Well, why not?" Cas asked.

Rei turned as she looked at him, pulling the strap of her bag over her head. She took a deep breath before laying into to Cas about denying that Dean was his mate, so if he wanted to know what Dean was up to, Cas could spy on him by himself.

Cas sat down on his bed, she was right after all Rei did know what she was talking about when it came to mates.

He wasn't going to follow, Cas told himself that he didn't want a mate, and now that Dean's blood was out of his system everything was going to go back to normal. Cas was going to be polite to Dean. He did save Cas' life and was still kind to Rei after she tried to eat him.

"Oh my god! You are annoying the shit out of me," Rei said, setting her book down.

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