Creepy gang a short story

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Book 1:

    I’m alone. I’m always alone, I like being alone, it’s just who I am. At lunch, I sit in the corner under the light that doesn’t work. It’s dark there. I like the dark. I stay alone not only because I like it, but because I have to. I’m cursed you see, just one key word, that only I know, can bring about the end of the world. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s true.

    I’m not one of those people who never talks or who hides from others. I don’t have issues with my parents or wear dark clothes and cover my face with my hair. Even  though I do have dark hair and dark clothes, I still talk. I play sports and help out in the community. I do a lot of things.

    I always sit alone, no one ever tries to sit with me, well, no one until today.

Three girls walked up to my table, one with blond hair, one with  brown hair and the other with white hair.

    “Hey” the one with blond hair said, “You look lonely, can we sit with you?” I didn’t know what to do, if I said no, then I’ll be rude and get in trouble for “excluding”, but if I said yes I might destroy the world. So all I did was stand up and leave the lunch room. I decided to finish my lunch in the girls bathroom. I may have dropped my sandwich in the toilet, but I still had juice.

     After school, I always walk home the long way to avoid people and because then I can walk home in the dark. Did I mention that I love the dark!

     I started on my walk home when the same girls from lunch came up to me.

“Hey” Blondie said “you must have been scared, but you didn’t answer our question. Can we walk with you?” 

“No” I said flatly and walked around them towards the short way. I could feel them staring at me. They just stood there and stared. I ran the rest of the way home, to get away from them.

Later that day, I decided to go for a walk around the block, and I saw the girls again.

“Oh hi there,” Blondie said.

“Hello” added Brunette.

“Hey” White hair said.

“Uh,” is all I could get out.

“Don’t be shy, let’s hang out!” Blondie screeched. 

    My heart was thumping, pounding in my chest as they all walked towards me. With each step they took, my heart pounded louder, faster. I had to escape! I had to run, but I couldn’t. My legs wouldn’t move. They were closer now, 10 meters, 8 meters, 2 meters! I had to run! I had to run. NOW!

With the sudden burst of adrenaline, I sprinted back home, but they didn’t follow me.They. Just. Stared.

    The next day they didn’t offer to sit with me, nor the day after, but every time after school, I could feel them staring at me as I walked away. That happened every day now, they'd stare at me as if expecting me to do something.

    One day, I finally had enough, so after school when they did their annual staring I turned around and put on my meanest face. When I did, huge smiles appeared on each of their faces. Strange.

“Why do you do this?” I shout at them, “what do you want?”

But all they did was smile. They showed all their teeth which were extremely white. When I got no answer, I turned and walked home in frustration. 

    By the time I got home my mom was already done eating dinner. In our family, when dinner is ready, you eat it anytime you want to.

“Hey Joseline, how was school?” my mom said, with no smile. She never smiles. Ever since we found out about my-- condition she has lost all her happiness. Apparently, her grandma had my condition as well when my mother was young. She was very close with her grandma. My mother never saw her again after these two mysterious girls came to her house. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2020 ⏰

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