I would say once upon, but that's only for fairy tails. This is not a fairy tail.
Kathryn was just getting out of collage when she fell in love with josh. They were sure they wanted to be together forever, so they got married after only 5 months of dating. Kathryn thought josh was the perfect husband. He Bought her flowers, took her out to dinner, and loved her unconditionally. They were perfect. That's how it was for the next 2 months. Then one night they were kissing like always, they weren't planning for Kathryn to get pregnant. But she did. 9 months later Kathryn gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, they name her Mia. Having a baby around was hard for them. They stopped going out to eat, josh didn't get her flowers, and they were low on money. Kathryn had a steady job and so did josh. Kathryn started noticing there bills pilling up. She talked to josh about it, but he was not the josh she knew and loved. "The bills are coming to fast and I can't keep up with them. Are you even paying yours?" Asked Kathryn. "Yes! If you would work harder like I do then you would have money!" Josh yelled. "I work just as hard as you do! And I pay for All Mias needs!" Kathryn yelled back. "Stop being a bitch and yelling at me! Who do you think you are!" Screamed josh. "Don't call me a bitch ever again you bastard!" Screamed Kathryn. Josh's face got red and filled with anger. Kathryn was scared. Josh slapped Kathryn as hard as he could. "I'm the boss bitch!" He yelled waking the baby up.
RandomHi my name is Mia My eyes are swollen I cannot see I wish I were better I wish I weren't ugly Then maybe my mommy Would still want to hug me