Tough Times

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My name is Y/N Seavey my husband is Daniel Seavey . He is in the band called Why Dont We . They have been touring and got a couple of number 1 singles .

I work as a nursing assistant in the local hospital in L.A

We got married 2 years ago. They have been an amazing 2 years marriage wise.

We still laugh and joke the same way we did when we first met. He is still my one true love and I love him more every day.

He gets alot of hate from "fans" they constantly pick on stupid things. What I didn't know until now was.....

They called him a failure cause of us not being able to successfully make a baby.

We have been trying since we got married and had no luck.

Daniel has been blaming himself for a year and a half now. I've tried to reassure him it will happen and that it isnt his fault.

Today I get home from my shift.

Its 8.15pm, we dont live far from the hospital so only takes 10 minutes to drive.

I walk through the door of our house.

Y/N: Daniel baby, I'm home

There is no reply

Y/N: Daniel babe!

Still nothing.

I walk around downstairs but there is no one there. I head upstairs hoping he is in the room playing on the xbox or playstation.

Its empty upstairs too

I start to panic, I run out to his studio and open the door.

Its unlocked.. I see it's in darkness, the black out blinds are closed

I hear sobbing coming from inside. I turn the light on to see Daniel sitting on the sofa with his head in his legs.

Y/N: Baby, what's wrong?
D: I'm a failure, you deserve someone who can give you what you want
Y/N: What are you talking about baby?
D: I cant give you a baby that you truly deserve and want. I am a failure. I'm pathetic! I'm not even a decent husband

I sit beside Daniel and try to pull him into my arms, but he pushes me away

Y/N: Baby, you are not pathetic, you are an amazing person and you are an amazing husband. I would not be who I am today and I would not have followed my dreams if it wasn't for you. Yes we may be experiencing trouble having a baby but sometimes it happens. I dont want anyone else I want you and only you
D: You deserve someone who can give you children. I clearly can't. I dont deserve you and you deserve better than me.
Y/N: Daniel, listen no one is better for me than you. You are my one true love. I dont care if we cant have kids naturally there is always other ways. I would rather have you in my life than leave you to have kids with someone I dont love. I love you and i want you. I want you now, I wanted you yesterday and I want you every day in the future
D: Y/N just shut up and leave me alone! Get out! Go!
Y/N: O-okay but before I go here, you can have this

You hand him a positive pregnancy test before leaving.

You quickly make your way to your car and drive off.

Daniel turns on the light and sees the positive pregnancy test.


Daniel starts to trash his studio. He punches the wall and burst his hand open.

Daniel heads out to his car and drives to Gabbie's

He gets out the car and runs to the flat. He knocks on the door. Gabbie answers it

G: Hey Daniel
D: Is she here?
G: Who?
D: Y/N is she here?
G: No? I haven't seen her since last week
D: FUCK sake!
G: What happened?
D: I messed up! She came to surprise me with a positive pregnancy test and I told her to shut up and get lost.
G: Oh God Daniel!
D: If you hear from her please let me know. Please
G: I will

Daniel gets back in his car and starts driving around. He goes along the beach and he notices your car parked up.

He parks up and gets out the car. He runs along the beach trying to find you. He can hear some sobbing coming from the pier.

He runs over to the pier and finds you sitting on the bench

He runs over to you and sits beside you. He pulls you into his chest where you just cry

D: Baby, I am so so sorry. I know it wont make it up to you but I'm sorry.
Y/N: Why?
D: Y/N fans have been asking me every day when we are having a baby, that they would have expected it along time ago. Some said you would leave me for someone else. I had enough of it today and took it out on you. I'm sorry 
Y/N: I would never leave you because of that. Daniel you need to talk to me about these things. Maybe we should spend time apart?
D: No! Definitely not!
Y/N: Okay then
D: Please come home. We can talk about it all there. You are getting cold

You and Daniel walk back to your cars. You both get into your cars and drive home. Once you get home you get showered and into your night wear.

You head downstairs and sit beside Daniel.

D: Are you hungry?
Y/N: Yeah and thirsty
D: I'll get you a drink and you can check online what you want to eat
Y/N: Thanks

Daniel smiles at you and gets up to get you something to drink. He brings through a big bottle of Apple Juice and 2 glasses.

D: Let's celebrate! Apple Juice style
Y/N: *laughs* my favourite
D: Let me pick my food and we can talk 

Daniel order his food and gets it paid.

D: When did you find out? How far along?
Y/N: I found out 3 days ago. The Dr at work reckons about 9 weeks
D: Oh.
Y/N: I wanted to tell you tonight seeing as I'm off work for 4 days.  Also at work I was a bit unwell so the Dr done some checks on me. I didn't want to tell you incase it was a miscarriage
D: I understand. Thank you but you shouldn't be dealing with this on your own baby.
Y/N: I know
D: The fans have been making comments every day about not having kids etc. It got to much. I'm sorry
Y/N: Its okay, talk to me next time
D: I will baby I promise.

You and Daniel ate your food and snuggled up watching TV.

6 months later your baby girl arrives

Danielle Seavey born on the 1st September 2020. She is just like her daddy. Absolutely beautiful and has beautiful blue eyes like her daddy

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