Chapter 2

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Dear Father,

How are you and mother doing? I miss you two so much. Anyway, thanks for giving the chocolates I love. I have some news for you. Two days ago, I'm collided with Potter. It seems that Potter not all light that we thought. I was surprised to hear that he called the Weasley a blood traitor and Granger mudblood. He asked me a favour in exchange using his invisibility cloak. Potter seems very different than before. I'm speechless. He requested to talk with the Dark Lord. I don't know the real reason why. But, I think that Potter is very serious about it. Potter also seems not very close with blood traitor and the mudblood. I always saw he sneered at them every time they tried to get close to him. I also noticed that he been avoiding the headmaster. I think there are many more we don't know about Harry Potter. That's all for now. Give my love to mother, please. I miss her.


Dragon (I love it when they call him 'dragon')

Dear, My Dragon (^_^)

Your mother and I miss you too. The Manor was very quiet without you. I was surprised to hear the news you got. I didn't expect Potter willingly to talk with the Dark Lord after their last encounter. I will have to talk to the dark lord first. I hope you keep your eyes open. The headmaster seems to visit the Gringott recently. He seems very pissed and I hope you will be very careful around the headmaster. Tell Potter to wait for the dark lord answers. He may be a little bit different but he stills a brash Gryffindor. I will see you next week soon. Take care of yourself.



Draco closed the letter from his father. He still thinking what happened that day. He still can't believe that Potter is actually his mate. How can he never notice it? When Veela meet their mate, they will instantly know them. It's like something is blocking the bond. What the hell ?!

"Draco! Hurry up. We are going to be late to class if you don't move now," said Pansy.  Draco scowled at her and and hide the letter. He stood up from the table and snatched an apple before joining Pansy and others. The Slytherins have Double Potions with Gryffindors. He seriously thought the headmaster was going senile as everyone knew the Slytherins should not be mix up with Gryffindors.

Draco and his friends walked into the dungeons. They were the first one there and walked to their usual seats. Draco choose to sit by himself and he don't really want to partner up with anybody. After a few minutes, students started coming in. As usual, Weasley and Grangers were not here yet. As Draco waiting for the class to start, he saw Potter coming in alone which was unusual as the Golden Trio always the last one to arrive. 

Harry looks around the class and saw Draco by himself. 'Should I sit with him? Its only been a few weeks after that incident. Will he hex me? I mean I wouldn't mind sitting with him. He smells very nice and comforting. Wait! Harry. You should not thinking about this. I really need to stop ranting about Malfoy in my head,'

Harry then snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Weasley and Granger' s voice coming this way. Harry instantly walked to Draco's table without any thoughts. He stops questioning his decisions and pray that the blonde Slytherin wouldn't mind him sitting close to the Slytherins sides.

Draco saw Potter striding towards him and plopped himself at the seat besides him. Draco stared at Potter shockingly. The whole class were shocked. In that time also, Weasley and Granger walked in. They saw Harry sitting at the Slytherin side. They stomped towards Harry.

"Harry Potter! Why are you sitting there with the snakes? You know that they are evil. You shouldn't be getting close to them. Come here to sit with us. You should be better than this,Harry," said Granger angrily. "Yeah, nothing good come from them," added Weasley.

Harry stood up and said " I suggest that both of you should shut up and mind your own business. Its my business where I should sit  and whom did I sit with,". Before the Weasley and Granger could argue, Professor Snape came in. "Be quiet and sit in your seats," he said. Both Weasley and Granger stormed to their seats while Harry sit back at his seat.

Professor Snape waved his wand and the board started writing the potions for today. "Partner up and I want the potions by the end of class," barked Professor Snape. 

"Would you mind becoming my partner? I don't really want to be around them much," asked Harry.

"Sure. I guess. " replied Draco. Draco was not really sure of what happened. He thinks all the Slytherins were confused right now. He then stood up and went to collect the ingredients while Harry set up the cauldron.

Draco came back with the ingredients and they started working in silent. They didn't talked or bickered with each other. Draco glanced at Harry for a minute. He realised that Harry was a little bit taller and buffer. He turned his head back when Harry glanced his way. 'Stop checking him out,you idiot' he shook his head to stop thinking about Potter.

Professor Snape then went around the class and checking every potions. He stopped at Harry and Draco's cauldron. "Well,Potter. I surprised that you were all the way here," Snape said. 

Harry and Draco glanced at each other as Professor Snape checks their potions. " It seems that you Potter can make a decent potion. But I'm sure that my godson have something to do with it," Professor Snape walked away from them. Harry was dumbfounded at what Professor Snape had said to him.

"Did he just---" stuttered Harry.

"Yes, I heard it too," replied Draco. He really thinks that everyone was acting weird.

"Well,Potter. I'm enjoyed our time here but we should get ready for the next class,"Draco started to clean up and get ready for the next class.

Harry blushed. He silently freaked out and started get his bag. He quickly went to get out of the class. Before he could reached the door, he stopped and shouted "Thanks,Malfoy!".He then ran away with his red ears.

Draco was shocked. "What was that?" said Blaise.

" I also really want to know. I feel something big will happens this year," 

author notes:

So....hello again. I'm disappeared for a very long time. I'm sorry for abandoning this fanfic for like 3 years maybe. I was busy throughout the year. I just graduated from high school and now I have some free time. I hope you like this chapter and thank you for all the supports.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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