4 birthday boy (fluff)

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^^art isn't mine
(Slightly teasing and daddy kink)
(Bakus POV)
4 days I think as I walk into the
classroom, to me my birthday isn't something I really celebrate much due to the fact my parents hate me so my birthday was never important to them.

So I naturally don't tell people when its my birthday the only person that knows is Deku cause we grew up together. Kirishima walks into the room, He walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek sitting next to me (in this class they sit next to eachother) after class Kiri said he'd meet me at the usual place so I got my food  and me and the other idiots walked up to the roof were we always sit.
(Kiris POV)
Today I was thinking a lot about Kats birthday hes never said anything about it but I knew the person to ask so I told Kat at the end of class that I'd meet up with him at our usual place, which was on the roof and I then walks over to Midoriya 
"hey Midoriya do you know when Bakugous birthday is?" I asked hoping that Midoriya knew
"oh Kacchan's  birthday yeah it's on April 20th four days away actually" he said
"ok thank you" I said then went to get my food and head towards we're my friends were.

I walked over to the squad sitting down next to my boyfriend. As I was eating Bakugou suddenly got up an sat in my lap. Me being used to his needy-ness I wrapped my arm around him and ate food with the other, by now I was done eating and talking with Mina Bakugou had his back against my chest leaning on me comfortably with his head on my shoulder as I was talking to Mina. I herd Bakugou sigh I looked at him but then continued my conversation, until I herd Bakugou sigh again I leaned up to his ear and whispered to him "something wrong baby" he softly whisperd back so only I could hear
"I want attention"
"and how do we ask for that baby" I said my voices hushed by now Mina had started talking to Sero while Kami  was texting Shinsou so I don't think they were paying attention to us "please Daddy I want cuddles~" he whisperd to me I gladly accepted
and cuddled him as we joined,well me mainly joined Sero and Mina's conversation.

-time skip to Bakugous birthday still kiris POV-

Today is Bakugou's birthday and he still hasn't said anything to me but I already planed out his birthday. As we walked to class together I decided to asked him now
"hey babe wanna go somewhere with me after school?"
"yeah sure" he said walking into our homeroom class and we walked  over to my desk, he sat In my lap, Aizawa walked in and  told everyone to sit down Kat started getting up But I pulled him back and whispered in his ear
"don't move kitten stay with Daddy ok~" as I said that the last words I felt him shiver and lean back into my chest. Aizawa looked at Bakugou then at me and was met with a glare he just dismissed it and started the class.
-after school same POV-

"Kat make sure you wear something casual ok"
I told him as I walked into my room to get ready. Once I had everything packed I walked over into Bakugous room, were he was sitting on his bed ready to go he was wearing a pinkish red jumper and a black hat on backwards somehow we managed to match as I was wearing a light blueish grey jumper with a grey hat on backwards. We soon arrived at the hiking trail and I saw Kat visibly light up at what we were about to be doing.

After a semi-long hike and a few stops to kiss, look at stuff or get a drink. We had reached the top, I sat down on the blanket I had spread out and Bakugou sat next to me as we watched the sunset  I grabbed the small snacks that I had brought which  was a sandwich each and a bag of salt and vinegar chips, we sat there watching the sunset and eating. Once we had finished eating I got up and so did Kat I then got on one knee and held out two identical silver rings except the small orange and red crystals on the rings
"katsuki I know we can't get married yet but I want to be with you the rest of my life so will you take this promise ring until I can officially call you my husband and marry you"
"Bakugou had tears in his eyes as he nodded his head yes. I placed the red ring on his right ring finger and the orange on  my own finger i than stood wiping the tears from my  boyfriends eyes and wrapped my  arms around his waist Bakugou's arms wrapping around my neck as we  had a soft loving kiss.

After a few more minutes admiring the view at the top of the mountain we decided to head down and I took Kat out to a restaurant we had a nice dinner. We were now walking up to the gates of the school hand in hand, we walked into the common room the Baku-squad sitting around on the furniture
"happy b-day Bakugou" the squad said in sinc
"thanks" he said
I sat down on the couch patting my lap Kat came and sat in my lap and we goofed around for the next hour and a half it was now 11:30 and Kat was becoming more clingy snuggling into my chest i looked down at him and softly asked
"you tired baby?"
" Mmhm" was all I got back along with a small nod
"were gonna head to bed now guys goodnight" I said standing up Bakugou clinging to me like a cute little koala. I carried Bakugou up to my room and we lazy-ly got ready for bed
"happy birthday baby" I said
"this was the best birthday ever thank you" Kat said as he cuddled up to me his head on my chest I wrapped my arm around him and played with his fluffy hair as we both fell asleep.

(These are the rings Bakugou's is the red and Kiri's is the orange)A/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR ANGRY POMERANIAN BOI just a fluffy b-day one-shot with slight lime (teasing) ik the promise rings are cliche but whatever word count 1064 without a/n and...

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(These are the rings Bakugou's is the red and Kiri's is the orange)
A/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR ANGRY POMERANIAN BOI just a fluffy b-day one-shot with slight lime (teasing) ik the promise rings are cliche but whatever word count 1064 without a/n and I can't believe I ACTUALLY HAVE READERS um hi if your reading this please vote, comment or give criticisms or story ideas thanks
Tiger wolf out

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