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{Your POV}

I don't really remember what happened after I passed out on the couch, But I was back in my bedroom after waking up. My entire body felt so weak and heavy, I tried to remember what happened but all I remember was lying down on the couch watching TV and ...

"D-Dad?..." I uttered out as I try to rush downstairs to hopefully see my parents there. As I got out of bed, I almost tripped on the ground as I couldn't lift my heavy body. I started to feel emotions swirling inside me. Frustration, Confusion, Sadness and especially anger. Anger at myself for not doing anything to stop my dad from overworking, For not realizing what was happening sooner, For being too weak to do anything, For being a burden for them both.

And it clicked on me. An insane surge of energy flowed inside me. I get up and slam my door open to run downstairs. I almost tripped on the stairs but I managed and headed to my parent's room as their room was closer. Tears started to cloud my vision as my brain thought of all the possibilities. What if he was gone? What would happen to my mom if he was? What would we do? It would be my fault... Right?

 Without noticing, I hit my head in the door but my head didn't hurt at all as the door cracked a little. I wipe my tears as I stare into the door. Taking a deep breath I slowly open the door and head inside. 


There was nothing in the room which made me kinda glad. Then there is a chance that I was only dreaming... Right?

The next possible place would be the living room. I slowly walked to the living room each step echoing inside my mind louder than the one before. I took a small peak around the corner to see nothing again. But I could hear soft snores coming from the couch but I didn't know who it was. I silently walked closer hoping to see my Dad.

I prayed to god inside as I looked and saw my Mom passed out. Tear stains were evident as a  bunch of empty alcohol bottles was lying next to her. I didn't know what to think, My mom never used alcohol before as far as I know of. I pieced 2 and 2 together and almost lost my balance. I caused this, It wasn't a dream after all. Images of my dad's corpse were flashing inside my mind as I try to hold in my puke. 

Tears started to form again as I try to hold it in. My mom starts to stir as she slowly opens her eyes. She instantly holds her head as she rubs it, Her first hangover. She noticed me on the floor crying silently. She looks around her and sees all the empty alcohol bottles. She gets up still dazed and slowly walked towards me. I thought I was gonna get scolded for killing dad. She gets closer and closer as I close my eyes and hug myself tightly.

But instead, she slowly wraps her arms around me and starts to rub my head. You might think this helped ease my worries. But instead, This hurt me way more than if she scolded and beat me. I was the cause of all this and yet she is still trying to comfort me. I couldn't take it as I let out a loud cry.

Seeing her tired expression, the smell of alcohol hurt me too much. After a very long time, I calmed down. She lets me go and looks at me with a blank stare. A stare that hurt me inside. "It's gonna be okay. Everything is gonna be okay..." She rambles on. It didn't sound like she was trying to comfort me but instead trying to convince herself. 

I was deep in thought that I didn't notice that she fell asleep. I wanted to carry her back to her room properly, But I wasn't strong enough for that. I couldn't even do a simple thing like carrying her back to her bed, I didn't want to wake her up as well. I didn't want to bother her more than I already have. The frustration, sadness, and anger I felt gave me a boost of energy and confidence. I wouldn't know if I tried right?

I slowly pick her up as I was struggling to properly hold her steadily. More frustration and anger fueled me as I managed to pick her up. I walk towards her room slowly so I wouldn't wake her up. I stumbled and almost fell but in the end, I managed to bring her to her room. I gently place her on the bed as she moves around before hugging dad's pillow. 

I couldn't look at the sight as I turn around and walk out of the room, gently closing it afterward. I slowly sat down as I tried to think of what to do from now on. I don't know how long I sat there for, But one thing I'm sure of is that I had no idea what to do. I was starting to get frustrated again. Another boost of energy coursed through me, I looked at my reflection on a mirror right in front of me. The first thing I noticed is that there was a spiral-like dark mark on my on the right side of my forehead and my eyes were dark with purple tints.

I was probably seeing things right now, I get up and head to the living room again. I picked up all the bottles and put them in the trash bin. I later took the trash out. I came back and started to tidy up the house. I didn't know what I was doing as I just wanted to take things off my mind. I noticed that it was almost sundown as I was taking the trash out. Deciding to make something to eat, I head to the kitchen to try and make dinner for Mom. 

I took multiple vegetables from the fridge and put them on the counter. I look next to it and see the cake. I stare at with a blank stare. I picked it up and took it out with me. I put it down on the street when nobody was looking and silently walked back. Not before throwing a rock at it from afar and ruining it. 

I head back and peel the vegetables, I did this for mom every day so I was experienced with peeling at least. I took out the meat looked at it. I went to my room and got a chair as I placed it and stood on top of it. I look at the knife in my hand as I was starting to lose focus. Remembering to let the frozen meat defrost first, I sighed in relief as I put it somewhere else and cut all the vegetables. It was quite hard at first, especially since I needed to put more force into it than my mom would.

After building up the confidence, I focus on the meat again. I tightly hold my knife and start. It was going not that bad at first as I was getting the hang of it. But I got too confident and cut my finger. I quickly retract it and look at the medium-sized cut on my right hand's middle finger. I gritted my teeth to endure the pain and poured water on it. I rushed to get a band-aid and 'fixed' my cut finger.

With this cut trying to hold it was tougher since it was stinging me if I try to hold it down. After a while, I managed to finish it and smiled at my terrible work. Terrible but at least I did it. I hoped that I would get the hang of it eventually as I grow up.

Luckily I knew how long to fry the whole thing, the pattern, and everything. After frying the meat and putting the vegetable after and poured water to slowly boil it I couldn't help but smile a little. 'Dad, I swear I will take care of her. So, please ... forgive me' I put an alarm and cleaned up the kitchen. 

After everything was done and placing the dish on the table, I realized something. I didn't make enough food for both of us. Maybe I did it unconsciously to punish myself? I focused so much on the part of how to do it that I ignored the amount. I look at the single dish and looked at my hands. I took a deep breath and took it with me to her room. I excused myself in and place the dish on the table. I went back and got a glass of water as I placed it on the table next to the dish. 

I slowly sat down next to her and tried to wake her up, But I just couldn't move. Every time I looked at her, I get too scared to move, I was frozen. She started stirring as she woke up. She looked at me confused. "I-I-I m-made you d-dinner..." I said nervously as I pointed to the table. She looked surprised for a moment and looked at me.

I don't know how she looked at me as I was looking down, too scared to make eye contact.

"Y/n ..."

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