My Apology, dear readers

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          This is the author! Though that is incredibly self explanatory haha.
This is not an update as I believe many of you were hoping it to be (sorry this is going to be a bit drawn out)
          I started this story one day when I was in middle school (2015) after watching the first 100 or so episodes of HxH 2011 and I having only read roughly the first 3 volumes of the manga. My friend and I loved the show and even more, Hisoka. She asked me to try writing a fanfiction about him. So, one day while riding around under a cart at farm-and-fleet, the one shot "My sweet" was born!
          After a short time of uploading, one of you, my amazing readers, told me they liked my writing! Liked what I created, and wanted to read more! And suggested I make it into a chapter style, straying away from the one shot form of its original creation.
After the next two or so chapters were released I even had the honor of participating in a small watty award! Where "My Sweet" was awarded 3rd place in the Hisoka category.
          Life after that started to get rocky. While I tried getting updates out on even a moderately regular scedule, I began loosing my love for anime. In my cyrrent relationship at the time, I was told to be quiet anytime I was talking or doing anything related to anime. Due to this, I started to, and inevitably lost the amazing connection I had with anime; Writing; You guys. And theres no apology I can give strong enough to make it up to all of you for the long wait of wanting an update that never came.
          While I have frustrations with myself, this story remains one of my biggest achievements, and seeing all of the love and support I've gotten grow over the years makes me feel so happy. Knowing the love I have is able to translate into others, brings me so much joy.
          This all being said, it's been 5 years since I created this story, and I'll be 20 this year. Life and college is getting hectic and while writing is manageable for some, the spark has gone out for this tired writer, if I can even be considered a writer at this point.
          Finally I would like to truly thank each and every one of you (at the times of my typing about 54.4k) who have taken the precious time to read what I've created, and I'm so happy that it's been able to bring happiness into the lives of others.
If anyone is concerned about my shitty ex. , we split so long ago, and I'm now with someone who actually encourages me, and embraces me for who I am. I've also finally started to watch anime again after 2 years (I've missed a lot haha).
If anyone has any recommendations I am deffinately open for new watch titles~
For the last time,
Until the moon my friends.

My Sweet (Hisoka x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now