Chapter 3: You're Mine

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I wake up with a strong light hitting my face. I recognise this place and the sound of it. I'm in the hospital. I slowly get up. My body feel so hurt. I look at my arm, a bandage wrap nicely around my arm covering the scratch that I'm not sure how I got it. "Honey, are you feeling better?" my mom come to me. "What happenend?" I ask my mom. My head is pounding and killing me at the moment. "You fainted on your way home. Lara called me and I rushed here." I feel so guilty that I had to bother my mom. My mom is a lawyer at a very popular law firm in town and my dad is a police officer. They met when my mom got her first case. They always busy but we still can sit to have a breakfast and dinner together. As busy as they're, I will always be their number one. "Where's dad?" I ask mom as I don't see dad in the room. "Your dad is outside. He talking with the doctor" I just nod and shut my eyes. The light make my headache even worse.
My dad come into the room after a moment. He look concern yet calm. "I've talked to the doctor. He said that Mia just dehydrated and tired. By the way, how did you hurt your arm Mia?" My dad ask about it. I don't know what to tell them because I'm not sure myself how I got it. I just tell them I probably hurt myself in my sleep. They look more concern.
That day, I received a lot of visitors. My best friends, my doctors and some kids at school then Alex shows up when it almost 7pm. He play riddle with me and watch YouTube videos with me. Basically he keep me entertain. When the visiting time is almost over, Alex volunteer to take care of me that night so that my parents can go home and take a rest. It takes a moment for Alex to convince my dad but he manage to get it. My dad kiss my forehead before leaving the room. "Take care of my daughter. Remember, I'm a police officer and I have a gun". He pat Alex's shoulder while saying that. "And I am a lawyer" my mom voice out after she hug me. "You got it Mr and Mrs Standford". I can see Alex shallowing his saliva, a sign of him being nervous. I chuckles and Alex release a relief breath as my parents out of the room."Your parents are scary". Laughter echoing inside the room. I don't know why Alex do that but I'm happy for it.
We spend hours of talking and watching Riverdale on Alex's phone. Alex look at his watch and look at me. I look at him and he wink at me. I'm shook and blush, he laugh as he thinks it is cute. He said that. "Time to sleep. You need to get a good rest." Alex said. My joyful heart turns into a nervous heart when he said the word 'sleep'. This is what I'm afraid of every night and Alex is here makes me feel even more nervous. He doesn't know about my health and the dream. I don't want him to look at me like I'm a weirdo or something. "I'm not sleepy yet. One more episode okay?" I try to avoid the 'sleep'. "Hey, no more one episode okay. You need to sleep. I'll be here by your side". His smile warms my heart. "Why are you doing this?" Alex just smile and put me to sleep. I somehow fall asleep while he hold my hand.
That night, I dream the same dream I have but there's something different about it. It's not as dark as it used to and the dark figure is not around me neither the woman. I'm alone and I recognize the place. I was in the woods behind my grandpa's cabin. My dad used to bring me there during summer for camping it all stop after my mom got a major case around that time. Suddenly, I feel a wind slaps my face. It doesn't feel like a normal wind that you feel every day. It's different and I don't know how to explain it. A voice entering as the wind blows. You're mine, you're mine it says. It continuously repeat. YOU'RE MINE, it literally next to me, completely loud to my ears. I turn around and I see the woman that I saw next to my driveway before I passed out. She take out a knife and cut her hand, blood dripping from her cut. She rip the bandage from my arm and drop her blood to my wounds. You're mine. A sharp pain filling my wounds and I scream in pain.
"Mia, Mia! Wake up! Mia!" Alex pat my cheek. I wake up hardly to breath and crying. Alex take me into his arm and tell me that everything is okay. I let go his hug and look at my arm. It's bleeding, the bandage fill with my blood. Alex eyes widen when he sees this and rush to get the doctor. I take out the bandage and I see a symbol I never see before. Symbol of a half moon and a circle under it.

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