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ho trovato questa cosa carina su tumblr e ho deciso di farla perché sì

ho trovato questa cosa carina su tumblr e ho deciso di farla perché sì

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Band: Maroon5

1. Are you male or female?

2. Describe yourself:
Who I am

3. How do you feel about yourself?

4. Describe your ex-girl/boyfriend:
Hands All Over
tipo quando fai spallucce perché non sai qualcosa, dato che non ho un ex lol

5. Describe your current girl/boyfriend situation:

6. Describe your current location:
Never Gonna Leave This Bed

7. Describe where you want to be:

8. Your best friend is:

9. Your favorite color is:
Denim Jacket

10. You know that:
It Was Always You

11. What’s the weather like:

12. If your life was a television show what would it be called?

13. What is life to you?
Beautiful Goodbye

14. What is the best advice you have to give?
Give A Little More

15. What is your favorite way to travel?

16. What are you most afraid of?

17. How would you like to die?
Don't Wanna Know

18. Describe your soul's current condition:
Help Me Out

non taggo nessuno perché non ho voglia ma come sempre se volete potete rubarla u.u



uff... mi hanno taggata...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora