Chapter 10

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_Chapter 10_

Ricky Martinez

"So what kind of punishment did you come up with finally?" Elliot asked him as he was busy typing on his laptop to finish his exam. It was kind of making me feel bad that I was taking so much time from him by making him help me study but on the other side, it was him who offered his help and he should've known the consequences.

"Yeah, what you plan for him to do? Dance naked on the baseball field?" Derek cocked an eyebrow, stooping with that sarcastic comment to Christo's level.

"Ew no! No one wants to see that! You really want us to go blind," Christo shuddered.

"Hey, I'm awesome also down there and you know it. Bet you're just jealous," I stuck my tongue out and kept bickering with him.

"Yeah right. Even Elliot would laugh at a pathetic sight of yours," he held his head high as if he knew better than me.

"Are you calling me small?" I gasped in offense.

"Well that came from you!" He raised his hand up in innocence when we heard a fist collide onto the table, making us jump in surprise. Our heads automatically turned to Elliot who looked a little bit or maybe really annoyed.

"Could you both care to shut up for once!" It instantly became quiet as none of us dared to say anything. "Thank you," he pressed a fake smile on his face before he focused back on his essay.

Christo then shifted over to me, highly aware of Elliot when he whispered a bit, too conspicuously, "Do you think he's angry because he's small down there?" He sounded seriously concerned which made it even more hilarious.

I really tried my best to hold it in but when Elliot looked at him ready to bury him six feet under, I just couldn't and therefore burst out laughing my god damn ass off. "Oh shit, did he hear me?" Christo screeched in fear.

"Hell yeah I heard you! Now tell me whether you prefer me poking your good for nothing eyes out or whether you want me to hire a femdom to help me choke you to fucking death?!" His eyes looked ready to kill, causing Christo to jump in fear.

Even Derek couldn't hold himself any longer at that point and nearly choked on the gum he was chewing. "Pick the femdom, Chrissy! I would love to see that," He laughed.

"I bet you wouldn't be so offended if you really hadn't had a tiny tiny dick," he provoked him even more.

"Go fuck yourself, Christopher," he muttered as monotone as ever. I guess that gave him the rest because he afterwards snapped his laptop shut and grabbed his bag to stuff it in before he took the chance to leave.

"I think you overdid it now," Derek frowned in concern but couldn't hide the amusement in it.

"I forgot, not anyone can be god blessed with a huge member," he sighed and shook his head.

"Shut up, Christo. Must you always upset him?" Now I felt bad, and it wasn't even my fault. He really did look bothered when he left just now.

"If you adore him that much why don't you go follow him?" Christo looked at me with anticipating eyes. I was about to complain when he stopped me by holding his finger up. "And don't come at me telling that you don't adore him. I may not be the brightest but even I can see your eyes turning to hearts when you look at him."

"What are you even talking about?" I frowned at him.

"He secretly thinks you're gay," Derek got to the point. "Or at least gay for Elliot."

"Just because I somewhat care for him doesn't mean that I'm gay," I rolled my eyes at him. "So to get back on topic, what will my punishment be?"

"Oh yeah since I figured you like Elliot so much and since I'm not that cruel, I let you decide between writing a page long poem about him and read it out loud in front of our whole team or you draw a huge painting of him and hang it up on the cafeteria wall. So what will you choose?"

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