o n e

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o n e

I was alone. There was no one I could talk to, no one I could dance with, no one I could make out with, not even anyone I could fight with.

I must of looked like a sore thumb in this crowd of partying teenagers. Not that I think many people cared if I stood out or not. They were all too busy doing the things that I wasn't.

I tried to hide as much as I could from the bustle of this party. I should be home listening to my music or studying for a test like I always do. Instead I was here, in a room full of people who were probably judging me.

I should have never let my stupid sister drag me here. I always do this even though I know how uncomfortable it makes me.
The fact that Trisha always leaves me ten minutes after arriving even though she says we'd stay together should've been the main reason why I should have stayed home.

She knows that I am not a social person so parties are hell for me. She always promises that she won't leave and she doesn't.. Until she sees her friends and that's when she'll say she'll come back in a few minutes. She never does.

It always ends in me having to find her and bring her home. I've lately vegan that she doesn't care for my social wellbeing and instead brings me here as her babysitter.
I was disturbed from my thoughts when I was nearly knocked over by a group of boys running by me. I huffed in frustration. These people are out of control. I'm surprised no one has called the cops or something.

Deciding that these obnoxious party goers were too much for my poor wallflower heart, I went on the search for Trisha.

It was nearing one in the morning. I've been here bored out of my mind for far too long and I think four hours of partying was a decent amount of time for Trisha to wake up with a hangover tomorrow morning.

I weaved as beast as I could trough the crowd of bodies. It was like walking thorough a maze. Once I got through one part another one came along and made it seem impossible to get out of.

Once I was finally able to get out I thanked God. It was like being stuck in a stink bomb. If I was stuck between those people for another second I think I would've died from holding my breath for so long.
I walked into the kitchen looking for Trisha. There was no sign of her so I made my way out to the backyard.

There I saw Trisha trying to take her top off so she could jump in the water but her shirt got caught to her earring.

I hugged before walking to her and pulling her shirt down. I heard a few people boo. I rolled my eyes. Why are boys such dogs?

"Let's go Trisha, we're going home." I said as I grabbed her hand and started pulling her toward the door.

"Whaaat?? No, I was gonna jump in the pool." She said in a pouty tone. I swear she was worse than a child

"No, we're going home." I pulled her arm with a little more force and she followed. I took the side gate deciding that walking through that crowd of B.O would be my cause of death.

When we reached the car I was panting from exhaustion. Being out of shape was hard work and basically having to carry Trisha's dead weight didn't help.

I opened the car door and put Trisha in the back seat where she was already knocked out. I closed door before leaning against it and catching my breath. After a few seconds I got into the drivers seat before pulling off. There weren't many people out, not that I would expect many people to be out at one in the morning.

I opened the window letting the breeze cool me off. I hated summer. It's the worst season in my opinion all you get out of it is mosquito bites and heat rash.

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