Mlp-Fim oc #3

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Name: Siren
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: straight
Personality: similar to silverstream. Very outgoing and excited about loys if things even if it makes no sense, energetic
Likes: water, swimming, fish, the sea ponies, friendship school
Dislikes: not being able to transform, voids, storm king, falling
Backstory: lived in seaquestria when the hipogriffs came to the mer-folk for help. Her mother and father(king and queen) gave the hipogriffs a perl to turn into the sea ponies. When twilights school opened, Siren was super excited to go somewhere she'd never been before. And she met some unlikely friends
Flaws: is adhd which means she has to be moving. Can get really scared over nothing, gets too excited and curious which can get her in bad situations

 Can get really scared over nothing, gets too excited and curious which can get her in bad situationsInstrument:

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Human clothes:

Other: the mer-folk transform to human when they touch air and transform back when their legs touch water

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Other: the mer-folk transform to human when they touch air and transform back when their legs touch water

Theme/ favorite song:

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