We got into the car and saw niya dressed in a tight fited dress that said "#1 Baddie# on the back in gold letters.
Ooooooooo she lookin bad asf " niya said. All I could do was laugh at her comment. Yasssss of course I said as a flipped my hair over my shoulder's. Asia looked at us side ways "are we gone go yet or nah " she said as she rolled her neck. You betta stop all that neck rollin before yo damn neck fall off one day niya said. Asia smacked her lips and sat back laughing, I tried my hardest not too laugh cuz I knew I would get in trouble. Gurll just drive I laughed as niya pulled out the drive way.
I got all dressed up but I still didn't know where we was going niya just told me she was taking me out to met up with squad and asia was coming along,August said he had too be at the studio but would met up with us later. I was excited tho cause everybody was coming to dinner.
T..T...T! I whipped my head around hearing somebody call me. What I yelled! We here but since u wanna stay in the car that's cool niya said as she unbuckled her seat belt and got out. I laughed so hard to the point were I started choking , after, about 3 minutes of laughing I managed too get out the car and walk inside.
"Tequila" . Tequila was a restaurant on the otha side of town ,I've been here a couple times with August even tho I'm only 17 ,but I guess I pass for a 21 year old.
I walked inside and admidiatly saw my squadd and asia of course. But there was a new person there. She was 5'4 , median length black hair, brown eyes, caramel skinn, with a few freckles on both her cheeks not to mention she had a pair of very deep dimples.
Tiyerah! She semi yelled as I walked towards the crowd. Heyy.... I said dryly. Not because I didn't like the girl it's just because I don't remember her but she did seem very fimiliar too me I just couldn't put my finger on it. Wassup girl it's been a while she said as she hugged me, I stilllll aint know who she was but I can't be rude to her so I hugged her back.
You remember me she said loudly over the music. No not really but you look really fimiliar I said. Gurlllllll it's NARIII.
All of a sudden it finally clicked it my head "nari". Nari is a friend of mine from a few years back when me, her,niya, dalie, brii, jada,kiyah and kay worked in "Divmonds Fantasy". Divmonds fantasy was a label that we all got signed too as a group sadly before we could even go on tour typically issues started happening, so we all decided that we would break the group up.
But surprisingly only 4 of us got called back for some re-auditions for the label. It was me,daliie,niya and nari.
All 4 of us made it back on the label but under diffrent contracts, now we all do little things like small concerts stuff like that till we graduate at the end of this year (2014). After that nari left too go live with her dad down in the A,the singing wasnt the reason she left,she left cause her and kay had fell out with each other one day while we was all over at my house for a trip we was taking in the morning, the actually started fighting.
FLASHBACK:Nari shut the fuck up, yo ass tellin a lie I saw yall. Kay screemed at the top of her lungs.
Bitch you shut yo ole flip flop ass up. Yo ass don't even go out wit him nomo so explain what is the fucking issue nari said claping her hands dramatically taking 5 steps closer to kay .
Ohh That's what I though nari said noding her head.
Hoe be lucky I know Jesus Kay said under her breath flipping her hair as nari walked off .
WHAT YOU SAID BITCH SAY THAT SHIT OUT LOUD narri said as she ran over to Kay.
Everybody jumped up at one time, me, brii, niya ran over to narri to hold her back. Jada, kay, and makayla held kay back.

It Takes 2 Ta Play This Game
FanfictionWe all been down for eachother since middle School me and August, bri and Que, kay And keriko niya and Kendrick Dalie and Trey, Chris and Kiyah. But all of a sudden funny shit start happing, Drugs,fights,love,hope, what's next too cTakes