Chapter 45

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"Yes, to what, sweetheart?" Lauren asked softly, dragging the pad of her middle finger over Camila's nipple. She had posed two options to the brunette and she wanted to be sure of what her lover was asking for.

"Yes, I think you should tie my hands to the bed," Camila answered in a voice that was low and rough, and dripping with need. She held Lauren's questioning gaze unflinchingly and felt her heart skip a beat in anticipation when she saw Lauren smile and nod ever-so-slightly.

"Okay," Lauren murmured, sliding backward off the foot of the bed and walking across the room to the dresser.

Brown eyes watched with rapt fascination as first one robe, then the other, was unfurled and the thin sash was stripped from the loops of each. Camila licked her lips as she drank in the way Lauren's hips swayed as she returned to the bed, the thin white sashes from the robes dangling loosely from her fingertips, and she swallowed thickly as two toned, pale thighs straddled her waist.

"If it becomes too much, tell me to stop and I will," Lauren said, staring intently into Camila's eyes as she looped one end of a sash around the brunette's right wrist.

"It won't," Camila murmured, moving her left hand up to lie beside her right before Lauren could ask for it. She might not have any experience with this, but that didn't mean she didn't want it.

Lauren nodded and finished tying off Camila's other wrist, slipping a finger between the fabric and her lover's skin to make sure that it wasn't too tight. Pleased with what she found, she climbed off of the brunette and knelt beside the bed, looping one end of the second sash around the leg of the bed frame and tying it around the metal support.

"What are you doing?" Camila asked, craning her head to the side to see Lauren.

"There's no headboard," Lauren answered, tugging against the knot she'd made to make sure it would hold. "So I'm getting creative," she explained, smiling reassuringly as she got back to her feet and tied the free end of the sash in her hand around the material stretched between Camila's arms. "You're going to have to turn on a bit of an angle," she murmured.

Camila's brow furrowed for a moment before she understood what Lauren was asking of her, and she smiled bashfully as she shimmied across the bed until her hands were brushing the far left corner of the mattress. "Better?"

"Much," Lauren replied, as she pulled the sashes tight so that Camila wouldn't be able to lift her hands to touch her. She gave the joined restraints a tug to check that they would hold and looked up to gauge Camila's reaction to what was happening, "Okay?"

"Yes," Camila answered, her eyes trained on Lauren's face. She bit her lip as a beatific smile shone down on her and moaned when the softest of kisses were pressed to the inside of her wrists, just below the sashes that were holding her in place. "Mmm, Lauren."

Lauren smiled and whispered, "I love you," as she pressed another kiss to Camila's upturned wrists. Green eyes held brown captive as Lauren climbed onto the bed, once again straddling Camila's hips as she brushed her lips down over the brunette's inner arms. She traced a line over Camila's shoulder with her tongue, and chuckled softly as she finally lifted her head to claim the brunette's lips in a slow, deep, passionate kiss.

The kiss seemed to go on forever and when Lauren finally pulled away Camila licked her lips and whimpered, "Please." She had been on edge before, but she was surprised by how much more intense even a simple kiss was when she was bound like this. She was completely blown away by how much more strongly her body reacted when she wanted nothing more than to reach out and touch Lauren but couldn't.

"Patience," Lauren murmured, smiling as she pushed herself up onto her hands and eased her knees between the brunette's legs.

Camila spread her legs willingly, giving Lauren more than enough room, and felt herself grow wetter as she watched the raven-haired woman sit back on her heels between her legs, dark green eyes focusing on her dripping sex. The sight of Lauren's tongue sweeping slowly across her perfect, heart-shaped lips sent a wave of desire through Camila and she was helpless to stop her hips from rolling toward Lauren beseechingly, giving her an even better view of exactly how turned-on she was.

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