18th of July

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The story will be developed slowly. Pay attention to the details. Details are super important for a criminal case.

15:17 a.m.

 * phone sound *

 She looked curiously to her right and spread her hand boredly, hoping to find the phone with the first attempt. This hope, with a quick calculation, did not last more than 2 seconds. She rolled over on the blankets, sighing and leaving a well-warmed up place behind her. She turned the covers upside down several times until "bingo". Before she could articulate a word, Rosalia's distinctive voice echoed throughout the room, "Francesca, what the hell were you doing? What are you gonna wear on Enzo's party today ?? I've already ruled out 6 outfits, if you wear something on a sequel tell me so I can put it on too. " She laughed ironically at the thought that she able to put on a sequin, while she knows very well that she avoids it like hell. "Probably something simple, as always." She sighed and said something in Spanish that Francesca didn't really bother to analyze, she probably called her slut. Rosalia is also famous for her rich vocabulary of Spanish swearing. Shortly before the end of the call, they arranged a meeting time and said goodbye. She threw her cell phone on the other side of the room, hurriedly undressed and headed for the bathroom. 

 17:53 p.m.

 "Higher, a little more, more on the right and ready, there!" Enzo shouted from the hallway that connected the front door with his dark living room. "Now get off the couch," he said with a sassy attitude to Averaldo as he was still fighting tooth and nail to stabilize the metallic inscription of "Happpy Birthday" on the gray wall between the paintings of modern art. There were still 3 hours left until the start of the party and the preparations were not even halfway through.21:10 p.m."Come down," Melania shouted as loudly as she could from the passenger seat. She went down the stairs with such a speed that even Bolt would be jealous of her, she didn't even know if she had taken the necessary things with her. "Rosalia, move" Melania shouted once more, irritating her even more. She came in and slammed the car door. Rosalia, as a genuine Spanish woman with an explosive personality, could not let this behavior go unnoticed. She approached Melania's afro from the back seat and whispered to her with a surprisingly spontaneous sensuality in her ear "Puta (Spanish translation for the whore) don't hang out so much with her" showing Sofia with her eyes while she was driving devotedly. "Congratulations Sofia, she is officially your copycat."She added while lightly tapping the right shoulder of the driver. The green cypresses of Francesca's front yard were now visible, yet remained a few meters. Fortunately, God showed mercy. She was already waiting for us and that meant only one thing, they would not be running super late for the party. 

 21:43 p.m.

 Arriving outside Enzo's house, the wooden door was wide open waiting for them, leaving the hustle from the inside to lift their mood even more. "Can you hear that?" Sofia asked with wide eyes, while looking at the others. The moment they were about to take the first step, a group of impulsive boys literally went "over them." It was obvious that the party was starting to peak with each passing minute. Entering, one could see the dozens of blue, silver and white balloons that adorned every corner of the house. The abandoned beer cans on the wooden floor, which had apparently already been wet, left this strange smell of yeast. Enzo, being eccentric, hadn't left a speck of the house not embellished. Wherever you could have a gander there was something on a garland, an inscription or a sticker to decorate it. His love for foreign music could not be hidden since moving to the backyard, where the party was originally held, you could be overwhelmed by the huge black speakers that shook the ground so much that you thought Egelados had woken up. "Girls," Enzo exclaimed enthusiastically, bringing with him 4 glasses of champagne. His unbuttoned white shirt was carried away by the light summer breeze, leaving his half-exercised body in public view. "Look, I saved them for you." He smiled as he handed out the glasses. It was a matter of seconds before they "drown" him in wishes and kisses. "Hey, there has to be a little Enzo left everyone," he said humorously. "We have noticed the way Carla is making sweet eyes at you" Francesca whispered, sipping a little bit of the french creation. "Franz, I think you shouldn't be so observant," Rosalia added in a playful tone. The word "misunderstanding" has been deleted from the dictionary since elementary school and "caustic humor" has taken its place. The tiny well remained united in a circle while the supposed "small" party had taken on enormous proportions. New people were constantly arriving. The once-clean pool with crystal clear waters was now filled with foams, inflatables and drunken teenagers. Of course, the well-known drug runners were not missing. Averaldo had his ends with all sorts of personalities. He can get in touch with whomever he wants and whenever he wants. He was given the nickname ''The Godfather'', which he accepts with pride.Thanks to him all the guests were a little bit more ''happy'', if you know what I mean.

23:34 p.m.

The girls danced to the beat of the music, the drops of sweat made a street race starting at the front and ending at the freshly cut lawn. The night seemed magical. There was nothing better than that. The sky was full of stars, the mood was high and the thermometer was beating 30 degrees Celsius. Suddenly Rosalia's cell phone flashed, her eyes flooded with a strange combination of joy and panic. She scanned the area around her and walked away quietly. Sofia noticed her strange behavior and followed her to the bathroom. She spoke softly, nervously tapping her foot on the bathroom tiles. From her commotion she had forgotten the door open. "Are you all right?" Sofia asked anxiously. Rosalia's shriek was the answer to her question. "Yes, yes," she smiled as she put her cell phone in her tiny transparent bag. "Are you sure;" she lightly touched her shoulder. "Yes, I just have to leave for a while, I'll explain later, let the others know, I do not want to worry them." he said hurriedly and kissed her on the cheek.

24:00 a.m.

 "Tell me, have you experienced anything like this before?" Enzo boasted, wrapping his arm around Averaldo's shoulders. For that and only at night he felt like a king. He had everything he ever dreamed of, attention, admiration and glory. There was no better adult party. Apparently the curse that marked his previous two birthdays had left him for good. On his 16th birthday, his neighbors had called the police on him since 11pm, destroying the night. On his 17th birthday, he and his cousins ​​were so drunk that they ended up in hospital. But now everything was different.

24:16 a.m.

 "Did you leave a hickey on me?" Francesca asked, stretching her neck. Salvatore tilted his head to her side with the excuse to check the spot, but instead he left a few more. "Salvatore!" she shouted, trying to look serious, but in vain. "I see you guzzled the vodka, I'm going to get you another drink." He got up from the straw couch after giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Well,well,well look at those lovebirds." Melania commented from the opposite sofa. "You guys, I don't want a relationship, having a boyfriend is honestly a curse" Averaldo faked Franz's voice while collapsing with his soaked body next to Melania.

24:25 a.m.

Suddenly the music stopped. Everything froze for a few seconds, resembling a funeral day. "What happened? Why did the music stop?" Εnzo bellowed from the other side of the garden. Averaldo ran to the console and beckoned to him to come. "I don't know what is going on but I don't think I can do anything about it," he explained calmly. '' Damn it! "Did that have to happen now?" He shook his head. "How much battery do you have left?" Averaldo asked. "I think enough, why?" panic had overwhelmed him. "We're going to connect your cell phone to the speakers." Enzo's face shone and his smile was brighter than the Christmas star. He left his cell phone to Averaldo and made sure everyone knew that the problem was temporary. Averaldo while trying to find the best suited list of songs for the occasion, he accidentally opened an envelope with photos that seemed to belong more to the dark side of the internet. His jaws dropped, thousands of thoughts were crossing his mind, the feeling of disgust had inundated him, his hands began to tremble, he could not handle this. He left Enzo's cell phone on a small table and tried to pass through the crowd. Watching Averaldo behaving like a maniac, Enzo rushed to the console only to realize that his biggest secret had just been revealed to the last person he wanted to know. His world seemed to collapse in just a few moments. How could he forget to secure that particular envelope?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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