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(important: can you see my last chapter: "WHICH PARTY?" cause for some reason it said 0 views till today)

it was time to get dressed for the party.
mattia was in alinahs room checking his phone.

"c'mon linah" mattia said while alinah just looked at her wardrobe

"i don't know if i should go" alinah sighed

"why wouldn't you?"

"avalyn is somehow mad at me and jenna is the-"

"you shouldn't care" mattia looked up

alinah smiled and gave mattia a kiss on the cheek.

alinah wore a croptop with boyfriend jeans and was ready to go.

"lets go" mattia demanded and alinah nodded

they drove to avalyns house and alinah sighed as she stood up from her seat and made her way to the door.

with mattias hand in her hand they walked to the door.

the door was open and there were alot of people.

alinah looked around finding taylor and vic.

"i'm gonna go search kai" mattia made sure alinah knew before going to find his friend

alinah nodded and made her way to vic and tay.

"hi girls" alinah said and they looked up smiling

"hi linah" vic smiled

"have you seen avalyn?! what happend? she is such a drunk mess right now!" tay spoke

"do you think i should help her? i mean she's my bestfriend" alinah asked

"look darling, she let you down first so you shouldn't run back to her" vic said

"maybe you're right" alinah smiled and they got a beer to drink.

alinah got up to find mattia before he does something he'll regret.

i mean it's mattia... when he's drunk he does things he doesn't want to do.

she found kai and tapped his shoulder.

"hi linah" he smiled softly

"hi, where is mattia?" alinah asked against the music

"oh fuck! you're right, where is he?" kai asked starting to run

"oh no" alinah thought running after him.

"kai where is he?" alinah asked after they searched through the whole house.

"who do you lost sweetheart?" jenna asked

"no one" kairi rolled his eyes

"i know where mattia is" she smirked and alinah looked to kairi

"where's he?" she asked

jenna grabbed alinah wrist and dragged alinah with her.

"don't fucking touch her" kairi said slapping jennas arm away

"fuck you kairi" she rolled her eyes, leading the direction to mattia

"kai, this is not good!" alinah whispered to kairi about her bad feeling

"it's gonna be okay linah" he smiled softly

they stood in front of a door and jenna stopped.

"before i open the door" jenna said looking at the two friends.

"i would say i am sorry alinah valdez, but i am seriously not" she said her fake smile turning into her resting bitch face

without really thinking about what she just said alinah ran the 2 steps to the door and opened it aggressively, seeing avalyn and mattia.

she opened her mouth slightly to say something but nothing came out. she stepped to steps back out off the room and slammed into kairi.

kai grabbed alinahs waist with one arm and went outside.

alinah breathed and her mind processed that she saw her best friend making out with her drunk boyfriend when kai looked at her with a face that just said "sorry"

at first just two tears fell on her cheek but then she had a whole breakdown. kairi hugged her and shushed her trying to make her feel better.

"alinah look at me" he whispered and alinah looked up

"you need to be strong" he smiled a bit and alinah nodded

"lets go home" he spoke and took her hand

a/n: since everyone wanted a stronger friendship between linah and kai: here you go.

when does your school start again?

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