Love at First Kidnapping⛓🔪💵💎⚒-Harry

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Your P.O.V:
It was a blissful cold night in London city. I was making my way back to my apartment as the cold air surrounded me. I've just been to visit my niece who lives a few streets down from me and she had loads of stories to tell me from her travels. Suddenly, I felt the hairs on my back stand up as an uneasy presence fell upon me. Was there somebody behind me? No, surely not. I kept looking back to make sure of myself but nothing came about. I was approaching the avenue where my apartment was located but still I could feel the strange uneasy presence, goosebumps down my body. I turned around to see a man wearing a black balaclava over his face and grey dusty clothing to match. "What do you want from me?" I asked him. No response. I had no hesitations and started running for my life to be spared by the mysterious man. But however hard I tried to run faster, I could hear him getting faster too. Suddenly, I tripped over a cobblestone and fell on the floor and blacked out...the final thing I heard was the man laughing a sinister laugh and the words "Sleep tight, butterfly..." before I passed out just outside my complex......

2 Hours Later....

I woke up to my vision being upside down and the feeling of the blood rushing to my head. I was very high up and in some sort of warehouse, tied up in rattling chains. I couldn't speak because my mouth was gagged and my hands and legs were tied. I could just make out shadows of a group of men playing poker in the distance. I let out a squeal as one of the men laughed to himself....
"Boys, our sacrifice to Satan had awoke!"
"When will she be slaughtered?"
"Dawn, my friends"
He tapped his cane on the floor.
"And if anybody ever dares lay even a finger, they join her..."
They walked away out of the warehouse. I don't believe it! I've been.....Kidnapped..... I thought I was going to die just swinging up here alone...but I was wrong... Suddenly, a boy with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes stopped the men. "Stop right there, you little dirty pervs!" He was joined by two other boys. The man leading them out (who I'm guessing was the leader) laughed "Ha Ha Ha! It seems like a Prince Charming has come to the rescue with his minions! Your not going down that easily young man!" The boy ran towards me while his minions were destroying the mob members, kicking and punching them to death. He went behind the machinery that was keeping me up in the air and cranked the handle to lower me down. "It's ok. I'm getting you down." He smiled at me, both our cheeks blushing. He was really cute too... After he untied me, I looked up to see the masked men dead on the floor. "By the way, the names Harry, and these are my best friends Calfreezy and Callux!" I thanked him one more time for helping me out. Apparently, he was passing by when he saw me get kidnapped and he came and rescued me by tracking the mob down. We exchanged numbers and he took me back to my place. I hope I see him again in the future....I guess it was love at first kidnapping!

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