*-*-*Chapter 7*-*-*

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Annabeth's POV

It was a Saturday, and Piper had asked me to go to the mall with her, Hazel and Rayner. It was the first time I had hung out with anyone from the group outside of school, apart from Percy, but I didn't really count study sessions.

"Hey!" Piper said smiling and waving at me from a bench by the fountain. I noticed that there were more than just three girls there.

"What are all you guys doing here?" I asked everyone.

"Glad to see us wise girl?" Percy said grinning. As well as Percy, there was also Nico, Will, Jason, Frank, Leo, and Calypso. I was surprised to see Calypso and Will here; they never hung out with us. The closest they had ever come to hanging out with us was when Leo was harassing Calypso.

"We bumped into the boys earlier, and then I saw Calypso and Will, and invited them to hang with us." Hazel said.

"So, are you all waiting for me? You didn't have to that." I said.

"It's nothing." Jason said.

"What do you guys want to do?" Frank asked.

"I wouldn't mind grabbing some lunch quick." Nico said. "How about McDonalds?"

"I'm cool with that." Will said.

"It's only eleven! How are you guys hungry?" Rayner said.

"I'm always hungry RARA!" Percy said.

"OOOH!" Jason and Leo said.

"Don't call me RARA, fish boy."

"OOOOH!" They said, Piper joining in this time.

"Guys! Chill." Calypso said. "Or this will turn in to the same thing as last week. You're not setting a great example Perseus."

I cut in. "I heard they have just opened the new theme park today. It's not too far from here."

"That's a great idea." Piper said. "Everyone cool with that?" Everyone agreed.

Once we got there Piper pulled me aside." Look. This wasn't a coincidence, bumping into everybody. I have teamed up with Percy. We are going to try and get everyone to hang out with their crush." She explained.

"Hu? I'm confused, and I'm rarely confused." I said. Just then Percy joined us.

"All is going as planned. They are buying food now." He said.

"Ok. Why am I involved in this?" I asked.

"Because you are super smart. You could come up with a plan quickly." She explained.

"Plus, we would need more manpower to convince them to do what we ask!" Percy added.

"That's sort of creepy, but I'm going to let it slide. I'm in!" I agreed to help them.

I decided that we should all go on a super huge ride. It is said to be the largest roller coaster in the park. It had loops and extremely sharp turns. I was a bit nervous to go on it myself, but it was for the good of our friends!

"Ok. Two by two guys. Get in line," Percy shouted. Piper was amazing. She somehow got everyone to sit with the person we wanted. There was only one problem though. Rayner didn't have a partner. I felt so bad. I wasn't paying attention. I should have noticed. That's when a miracle struck. Jason's phone rang. He said his sister wanted to come hang with us, because she didn't have anything to do. He said that she had tracked his phone, so she was already at the park, so we didn't have a choice whether she hung out with us. I was excited to meet her. What Jason had said about her made her sound like a wonderful person.

"Hey guys." Thalia said coming around the corner.

"Thalia?" I said in disbelief.

"This is my sister. Do you know her Annabeth?" Jason asked.

"We were so close when we were younger. I can't believe it!" Thalia said.

We all got on to the ride. Frank and Hazel together. Apparently, they have had a crush on each other forever. Leo and Calypso, Obviously. I was actually starting to think that Calypso was warming up to Leo. Will Next to Nico. Nico had admitted that he had a crush on Percy last year and come out at the same time. Piper told me that he told Jason first, but eventually told Percy. As long as I had known Will, he had been openly bi-sexual, so we thought we would give it a shot. You know what they say. Opposites attract. We sat Rayner and Thalia next to each other because they never showed any romantic to anyone, except when Rayner said she had a crush on Jason, but she seemed to have gotten over that. Percy and I made sure that Jason and Piper where next to each other. They were perfect together! But that only left me and Percy. I didn't know how to feel. Ever since he said he had feelings for me, I haven't understood what our relationship was.

Everyone seemed happy with their partner. Jason and Leo had their arms in the air. Piper looked scared, but Jason took her hand, and I saw them both smile. Calypso, on the other hand was yelling at Leo, but her tone wasn't angry like it had been all the other times. Hazel was clinging on to Frank, and he was holding on to the safety bar so hard his knuckles were white. Nico didn't seem to be having as much fun as everyone else. He tried to hide it, but you could see he was petrified. Will said something to him, which Nico punched him for, but Nico did have a small smile on his face, which was a huge improvement. Thalia and Rayner were both screaming their heads of, clinging to the safety bar so hard, I'm pretty sure they left dents. Then there was just me and Percy. I didn't realise that Percy actually looked like he was going to poop himself.

"Are you ok?" I shouted.

"I just remembered that I hate being in the air!" He screamed.

I went to hold his hand to try and comfort him, but he grabbed me in a full-on bear hug, so hard, I couldn't breathe. We both screamed so loud on the loops, I am sure they could hear us in Australia!

After the ride was over, we all went to see the pictures. Hazel went to the bathroom, because she didn't feel too good after it, and Frank went with her!

The photos were hilarious. We all bought a key chain.

At the end of the day, Percy pulled me aside. "I was wondering if you want to go watch a movie?" He said.

"I'd love to!" I replied.

"Um...It would be a date." He said rubbing his neck. I was so happy! I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Finally! I thought I was going to have to ask you." I laughed. "I gave you a pretty big hint that I like you! You are such a seaweed brain"

We walked back to the mall, where the cinema was. He bought us slushies and popcorn. He got blueberry, and I got cherry.

We watched 'Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker' It was really good. Percy held my hand throughout the entire movie. Our hands were pretty sweaty after, but I didn't mind. I was just happy to have him.

"So is it official?" I asked, "Am I pleasant company?"

"It's official if you beat me in this running race!" He said, and then ran off.

"Hey! That's so unfair."

"I told you I would get you next time." He shouted back. Halfway down the corridor however, he stopped, and started doing up his shoelace.

"Oh dear. Looks like I'm going to beat you." I said as I touched the wall at the end of the corridor.

He grabbed me from behind and pulled me into a hug. "I guess it's official then." He said into my ear.

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