Ch. 4

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I once again step back into the crowded bar, scanning for Timothy. I spot him at the same spot that he was earlier. He was alone. I start to make my way over to him when I'm stopped by a man who was almost twice my size. He had obviously been drinking.
"Well, excuse me-" I cut off whatever pick-up line he was surely going to say next
"I'm not interested, sorry" I say, starting to push past him. Just as I've almost cleared him, he grabs my wrist and spins me around
"I wasn't finished." I pull away, or at least try to, but the man tightens his grip, preventing me from getting away.
"Look, I'm not interested" I hid my slight nervousness well. He had a look of controlled anger on his face.
"Hey man," I hear the familiar voice of Timothy behind me. His voice was firm and authoritative. "What are you doing with my girlfriend, huh" I tried to not show my surprise and go with it. The man lets go of my wrist and takes a step towards Timothy, causing me to side step out of the way. I look at my wrist, where there was a red imprint from where he was strangling my wrist. I massage if mindlessly, watching this go down.
"She's you're girlfriend? Yea, like hell." He scoffs. Timothy puffs his chest a little.
"I suggest you back off. You have no business with her." He shifts enough to show a pistol at his hip. The guy glances down at it and stomps off. I look at him and smile.
"Thanks, Timothy" he shrugs and gives an awkward yet charming smiling.
"It's no problem, really. Your wrist okay?" He nods to my wrist, which I was still massaging. I stop. 
"Oh, uh, Yea"
"You came back" he says, sort of abruptly.
"Yea I wanted to apologize for earlier..." I trail off
"Listen, I get it. You're all good." He gives me a playful punch on my shoulder.
"Do you.... Want to come back to my place" I smile shyly and feel my face go red.
"Yea, that sounds lovely, actually"

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