
15 3 0

Katherine pov-

I am waiting for all of them to come and pick me up.
Ashton called me and said that he would be there in a few minutes. I have packed all my stuff and super excited for the road trip.

Dominic and Ashton came out of the car. Ashton gas wear a navy blue t-shirt and a black jeans, and Dominic has wear a white hoddie and a black pant.

"Heyyy kat."Ashton said.

" Heyy Ashyy."I said.

" Are you ready?" Ashton asked.

" Yaa super ready."I said smiling.
Dominic was driving and I was sitting beside him.
His eyes were on the road.

" Heyy baby girl."Dominic said.

" Heyaa." I said.

" Are you happy that we are going on a trip?"Dominic said.

" Yaaa. You?"I said.

" I am happy because you are coming with us."Dominic said.

This sentence made me blush and my stupid cheeks turned red.heheh.

"Don't blush. I like your company."Dominic said.

" Yaa same. I like talking to you." I said.

"Kat."Dominic said in a serious look.

"Hmm?" I said.

"You know the challenge which Ryan gives to Ashton, I know he said us that he can't make you fall for him. But I know him from childhood, he will not let you go.
So you better stay with me in this whole trip because I don't want to lose you. I will never let anyone hurt you." Dominic said.

My heart just explode,Dominic never wants to lose me. Really?

" Okk yaa." I said.
After few hours we stopped our van at a power station. We all head to washroom. Dominic takes food for all of us, and put it in the van.

Dominic was tired of driving for hours, and now it's Ashton turn to drive the car. Dominic went at back seat, I also followed him. I sat beside him.

I can hear some whispering sound. I found my head over a hard chest. I looked up and Dominic blue eyes were shining. He was holding my hand and I just loved that.

We entered our hotel rooms, my room was side by Dominic room. It's almost evening and we decided for a walk at the beach.


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