Taking a Chance

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Maddy sat in the back of her math class, being ignored like always. She liked it that way though. It gave her time to think about her life and all her problems, and an easy way to retract herself from the world and hide. Didn't have to talk or interact with the people around her.

Her life was more complicated than it seemed, but she wasn't always like this. At one time, She had a bunch of friends, threw parties, and didn't have that many cares, she thought. Then one day something just snapped. She talked less and socialized with few people. She didn't know who to trust and felt it was safer just not to.

She'd asked to be homeschooled, but both of her parents worked so they had to say no. She leaned back in her chair and half-listened to the lecture going on in front of her, the other half daydreaming. Kids looked back and snickered, and she knew what they were saying. "Freak." "Loser" "She USED to be cool, what happened?"

She didn't know what spurred their topic to her, but wasn't surprised. Sometimes it was more obvious than others, but she wouldn't let it bother her. Not here. No she'd wait till she was alone if she wanted to get upset.

"Alright class. Get a partner, we're going to do a worksheet." She sighed and looked around. She would probably end up working alone again. Then all of a sudden a girl walked over. "Hey, you need a partner?" "Um...sure I guess.." She helped move their desks together and the girl sat down.

" Hi, my names Katie!" She practically bubbled. "Maddy." She said awkwardly, like always. "Hi Maddy. I've seen you in a couple of my other classes but I've never really met you, so hi now!"

Maddy chuckled under her breath. She seemed a little too happy to make her acquaintance. "I'm kinda new too though, so I don't know many people." Katie said sheepishly. That explained it.

"Oh okay. Yeah I've seen you around." Maddy answered, taking her worksheet from the teacher. She put her name on it and started working. "You don't talk much. Just tell me to stop if I do too much. Who do you hang out with mostly? I usually see you alone."

Maddy was starting to get a little annoyed with this girl. "I don't really. I just kinda hang alone." Katie's face fell like that was the saddest thing she'd heard all day. "Why? That's awe full. Everyone needs friends. We should hang out sometime." Maddy tensed. She'd heard those words before. They'd been nice for a while, then she was left hurt again, hence back to the trusting thing again.

"Oh....I don't know...maybe.." She left it as that, and they continued working, Katie chatting mindlessly the whole time. They were half way done when the bell rang. "Okay class! You need to have this worksheet don't by Monday! Don't forget." Great, she thought. She was having trouble with it anyway, and she'd probably fail.

"Hey. If you want you can come over to my place this weekend and we can work on it." Katie piped up, packing up her books. "Um...maybe.." Maddy thought it through. Yeah she was chatty, but she was the first person to talk to her in a while. She decided she would try. "Yeah, actually, that'd be cool." Katie smiled wide as they exchanged phone numbers and addresses. "See you later Maddy!" She called, walking to her locker as Maddy walked to her own.

Maybe she would turn out like the rest. Maybe after a month she would never hear from her again, but she didn't care. She decided to just take a chance, and enjoy the moment, even if it ended up hurting her later.


Hey guys!! So like I said, I just write these as they come to me, and I'm not totally sure where this one came from, but this stuff is real. People hide their pain an you'll never know it until they snap. If that's you please don't do that. Talk to someone and let some of it go, because sometimes it's not as hard as you think. You have more friends than you think you do. So end of rant, but in a nutshell: I love you guys and I'm here too if you need to talk. I don't care who you are, if you need a friend I'll be here too. <3 Love you guys!!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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