Chapter 1

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Jungkook's POV
I stood at a corner thinking about my past.. When I didn't know.. That day when I still don't know.. I'm the Black Swan..

The sun shines at those curtains that were blocking the light and the window.

I sighed at myself, when I still have my abusive father with me.. Oh how much I want mom back..

She left without a reason.. She told me that she will come back.. But she never came back which saddens me..

"Mom.. If you're out there.. Just to let you know I love you.. See?? Is till have this pendant you gave me... I'll keep it safe.. And I promise that I will find you someday.."

I stood up and went towards the window and took a hold of those curtains and opened them..

The sun was indeed very pretty and lifts up the mood too.. I didn't know why I love the sun.. It just makes me feel safe than night time.. Because I will turn into into a swan in nightime.. Why can't just like those humans who live normally.

And I'm here being half human half swan... Which brings bad luck.. Right??

"JUNGKOOK!! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!!" A person screamed from downstairs, I whimpered when I heard that voice it's from
My father...

Later on I hear footsteps coming towards my room.. I quickly hide under the bed to avoid the beating he will give.

"Where the fuck are you! Bitch!!"my father said angrily I tried to be quiet as long as I could

"You can't hind forever Jungkookie~" my father disgustingly called my nickname that mom always gave me..

I heard the footsteps coming closer the bed I saw his feet.. I was sweating really hard.. My heart is racing quite fast..

"Found you!" father said as he hold unto my neck and pulled me out..

"F-father *cough* s-stop *trying to breath*" I coughed and closed my eyes as I felt he tightened his grip into my neck until I see black dots.. Then I saw black.

I felt the hand on me fade, as he letted go of me harshly...

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